Saturday, June 1, 2024

Israel plans new invasion after Biden outlines truce roadmap

 (Biden's 'peace' plan involves Israel getting to keep the parts of Gaza that aren't populated. Meaning they get rewarded for wiping everything off the map which of course is itself a war crime. Thats Biden 'peace' plan. A war crime. It doesn't matter if Bibi drops more bombs because there is no way the Palestinians accept this insult anyway.)

from PressTV

Israeli forces pound Rafah in southern Gaza with tanks and artillery just after US President Joe Biden says the regime is offering a new roadmap towards a full ceasefire.

Extremist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Saturday after Biden's announcement that Israel will still pursue the war until it has reached all its aims.

"Israel's conditions for ending the war have not changed," he said, citing the "destruction" of Hamas's military and governing capabilities, the release of all Israeli captives and "ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel".

A permanent ceasefire without those conditions being met was "a non-starter", he said.

Netanyahu's defiant tone came even as the US president outlined what he called Israel's three-stage offer for a possible end to the invasion.

The roadmap, Biden said, would begin with a six-week phase that would see Israeli forces withdraw from all populated areas of Gaza...

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