Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Aliens May Already Live on Earth, Harvard Researchers Say

(That would be CIA-linked Harvard University)

(Seems like someone watched They Live and Moonfall)

from Newsweek (H/T T)

A study by Harvard social science researchers suggests that aliens may have been living on Earth for a while.

The research paper—which is yet to be peer-reviewed—suggests that life forms from other worlds could be living underground on Earth or within the moon, and that UFOs and other unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) may be evidence of them getting around.

The study suggests an "unconventional" explanation for UAP, with the authors of the paper hailing from Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program, which researches the factors that contribute to human well-being and flourishing.

The paper has been taken down from ResearchGate since Newsweek published this article, but is still accessible using Internet Archive...

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