Monday, July 29, 2024

And the Lies Begin


With 80% of votes counted, Maduro won more than 51% of the vote, besting the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who gained more than 44%, according to a statement by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

But the opposition painted a very different picture of the results. Opposition leader María Corina Machado said in a news conference that their own records showed their candidate Edmundo González Urrutia had received 70% of the vote against Maduro’s 30%.

“We won, and everyone knows it,” Machado said, adding that the opposition would “defend the truth.”

“The entire international community knows what happened in Venezuela and how people voted for change,” she said. 


U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has ‘serious concerns’ about the announced result of Venezuela’s hotly contested presidential election that authorities say was won by incumbent Nicolas Maduro.  


Fox News

Despite Maduro being declared the winner of a third term, the opposition claimed victory, setting up a showdown with the government over the results... "The Venezuelans and the entire world know what happened," González said.

New York Times

Venezuela’s Autocrat Is Declared Winner in Tainted Election

Mr. Maduro’s government has invented election results before, and this tally was immediately called into question by the opposition and by several officials in the region.

Washington Post

World leaders cast doubt on Maduro’s claim of victory in Venezuelan election
remember all the fake polls they cited leading up to the election?

The Times

Opposition parties said they had evidence from election machine printouts at polling stations that González was the rightful winner, by a landslide. “We have all the minutes transmitted by the electoral council,” said María Corina Machado, the opposition leader who had been banned from standing in the election and asked her supporters to support González, a retired diplomat. “They all coincide: Edmundo González Urrutia obtained 70 per cent of the votes.”

Weeks of pre-election polling had shown Maduro trailing by more than 25 percentage points...

Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, was more forceful. “Maduro. Dictator. Get out!” he said, shortly before the result was announced. He said Argentina hoped “that the armed forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will”.

It's all the same. Across the board. No matter the publication supports Trump or Kamala, Western press says the election was rigged and their neoliberal fascist candidate SHOULD have won... in a proudly socialist nation.


  1. Most reasoned analysis 1 day after, contrasted to the useless non-info hysterically spewed in the cacophony hours after the incident by the slack-jawed jaw flappers including of course Mr. T.
    Also possible intentional mis-translation not helped---one report simply said rocket hit a field, which of course would be impossible to get a dozen fatalities from that.
    proper term is soccer pitch.
    Either way, timing too convenient, coming just 6-12 ? hours or so after that news report that Mr. T.'s besties, with a lot of help from the aid package he directly aided pushing thru in june, bombed a school? or daycare in gaza, killing 50.
    So they needed something to get that news overridden.

    note found under a recent utube vid 29th:
    All evidence so far points to the soccer field being hit by an errant Iron Dome missile and was not attacked by Hezbollah. Israel wants war on Lebanon and needs a pretext, so it’s blaming Hezbollah for the strike without presenting any evidence. Al-Arabi TV correspondent:

    “An Israeli ambulance member heard from eyewitnesses that an interception missile was what fell in Majdal Shams, and some said that they saw a missile launched from the Iron Dome from Mount Hermon and it fell towards the stadium.” Whose projectile hit Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan ? Hezbollah heavy rocket ? Israel interceptor ? :

    • Hezbollah attacked Mount Hermon at 05:20 PM with a Falaq-1 rocket (MAX RANGE 10 Km), the only attack with heavy rocket in the area in the evening.

    • Siren sounds one hour later in Majdal Shams 06:18 PM.

    The other attacks conducted by the Hezbollah around the time of Majdal Shams strike were launches of Katyusha rockets further west, not related to Majdal Shams area.

    Iron dome interceptors' warhead is believed to carry 11 kilograms of high explosive.

    Israel EMBARRASSED as Lebanon, Iran, Yemen Ruin IDF Over Majdal Shams Strike
    Danny Haiphong
    964 views 11 minutes ago

  2. Clearest warning yet delivered to the french fried freak evil elf
    himself. very rare.
    The nerve, interrupting him in the middle of the finals in the games pole-vault event, midjit class.

    Iran's Clearest Sign Of Military Attack On Israel If It Starts Hezbollah War? Warning On Phone To…

    Hindustan Times


  3. Now playing---Nutty meets his fann clubb!

    Live: Netanyahu’s 'Severe Response' Vow Met with Boos and Rage During Golan Attack Site Visit
    Hindustan Times
