Saturday, July 27, 2024

Statement from Kamala Harris Regarding Peace Demostrations in D.C. During Netanyahu Visit

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Continued to watch the video with Cenk and Kyle and yes, Cenk does say at the end that he would be surprised if the graffiti and the flag burning wasn't done by some Zionists as psyops. Good for him. He should have said it right off the bat but at least he said it.


Here is Kamala Harris' statement released on White House website:

Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric.  
I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. 
I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way. 
I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.

My Takes on Her Statement

1. Hamas is not a 'brutal terrorist organization'. They are a political party which came to power in 2005-06 when Israel and the United States decided to ram thru an election in Palestine thinking they could shape the results of the election enough so that the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) would be controlled by Fatah, a corrupt political party with it's hands in Israeli pockets.

Didn't work out that way so we have termed Hamas as a terrorist organization ever since.

Hamas is based on the idea of Palestine run of, by and for Palestinians and they do not bend the knee to Israel like Fatah and the P.A. do.

This is why the West Bank, run by the P.A., looks like apartheid South Africa and Gaza, run by Hamas, is treated like the world's largest open air ghetto.


What Harris is doing is drumming up support for Benjamin Netanyahu's (and the rest of the Zionists') overall plan for Gaza which is to use the Oct 7th event to justify completely removing Hamas and replacing them with a complicit regime that takes orders from Zionists while selling out Palestinians. Like the P.A. does in the West Bank.

By claiming Hamas is some evil entity, Harris is tacitly justifying what is going on right now in Gaza as one can hardly expect a nation to allow a neighbor to be run by anything so evil. Even though it is painfully clear the terrorist organizations involved in this conflict are the IDF, Mossad and the Knesset.

Bernie Sanders used to use this tacit approval tactic all the time when he proclaimed he was against this war of choice or that one, but he always qualified it by saying 'such and such' was an evil dictator...killing his own people'

By this manner he allows left-leaning folks to be opposed to a war for regime change but remain silent as it unfolds because, after all, Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad or whomever... was an evil dictator killing his own people.

Kamala is doing the same thing and all of these folks are falling for it. "So if she doesn't make this statement, people will be able to say she is for Hamas, and we can't relate to that because for us, it's so nuts'

2. 'Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation.' The pro-Hamas graffiti painted on a monument in D.C. was in all likelyhood, put there by Jewish Zionists dressed up as Palestinian supporters so it could be used just as it was. 

As Cenk points out in the video I linked to, while is co-host was debating Dershowitz, they kept playing a video of the Hamas word on the monument and someone burning the American flag, which looked to me like Ethan from H3H3, who is very very Jewish.

They have been doing this for quite sometime, sending groups of Jewish Zionists into the crowds, usually a ways away from the main demonstrations, so they can say and do things, recorded of course, that makes anti-genocide side look bad. It's a fact. Black-blockers and agent provocateurs have been used in this ways for a long time here in the states and there is no reason to believe they would do it now that world opinion has been turning against Israel and the Zionists since these protests started nearly a year ago.

Of course, Cenk and Kyle don't seem to understand that simple fact, just like they act they don't understand that demonizing Hamas serves the interests of Netanyahu and his Zionist cult.

3. 'I condemn the burning of the American flag.' Don't care what Kamala Harris condemns. The Supreme Court says it's a protected form of freedom of speech and that is a constitutional right and if your country is aiding and abetting a genocide which has killed over 15,000 children and you wish to send a message that you don't support your government doing that, then you have a constitutional right to send that message, non-violently, any way you see fit, including burning an American flag. And if you don't agree with that, take it up with Antonin Scalia.

4.'Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation.' And yet apparently Jewish Supremacy, hate and calls for unmitigated violence do have a place in our country...

... and that place is in the U.S. congress giving an address to our legislation telling them Zionists will continue to use our weapons to kill even more women, children and civilians until they get what they want.

BTW... opposing Zionism and the genocidal acts of the IDF is not antisemitism. Stop equating the two in order to defend the Zionist genocide.

--- Conclusion ---

As you can see, everything she says is in full support of the Zionist agenda of wiping Hamas and thus any resistance to Israel's plans for Gaza and the rest of Palestine off the map. She is just trying to couch it in such a way as to appear to be neutral for those on the left who understand just how vile Israel's genocide in Gaza really is.

Unfortunately far too few 'alt-left' influencers like Kyle and Cenk fully understand this kind of propaganda or at least they act as if they don't as they play right along with it.

Palestine is already a nation-state. 159 of 192 UN nations recognize it as such per the June 1967 deal borders or the Green Line. 

Israel wishes to ignore history, remove the resistance government in Gaza and steal the rest of Palestine for themselves and their businesses.

You don't have to like Assad to know Syria has a right to self determination.

You don't have to like Gaddafi to know Libya had a right to self determination.

You don't have to like Ortega or Maduro or AMLO or Dias-Canel or Putin or Xi or Khamenei to understand that the people whom they serve have a God-given right to chart their own way in this world of ours and we nor any other leader, Jewish or not, have absolutely no say in the matter.

As a matter of principle, we have to reject Kamala's subtle propaganda just like we reject Bibi's hasbara. It's that simple. Especially those of us on the left.

1 comment:


    The scheming snakes behind the curtain iknew well over a month ago that Jo was gone for 2024, which is why in order to portray a more 'kinder, gentler machine gun hand' toward the palis, they recruited Agent Drumpf to act as guide & handler for Johnson to push thru that huge aid package last month!
    All on the same team!

    Since when does an UNelected supposedly disgraced nobody jump the line to further an agenda that should absolutely be done by someone elected & active in the gov't!?
    Not 1 of those timewasting motormouths have mentioned this.

    Enjoy this puppet shit show, because it will only get worser and worser into 2030.
