Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The drum beat for bird flu vaccines has begun: nonsensical, couched in a pseudo-scientific jumble of thoughts.

from Meryl Nass

This is from Kaiser Health News and ABC News.

Here are the nuggets that makes sense in this article:

  • “There's no evidence that this year's bird flu virus spreads between people or causes serious disease in humans.

  • And it's unclear how well the available vaccine would prevent either scenario.”

Ignore everything else.

Actually, there are many “available vaccines” and none of the stockpiled vaccines are matches for the current H5N1. There are several vaccines in development but you can’t test them against a virus that does not exist. There is no bird flu virus that transmits human to human, so there is no way to tell if a vaccine would work against some future virus. Remember, for this virus to become a problem, it has to gain the ability to transmit human to human efficiently. But it also has to become more pathogenic. The chance of all this happening outside a lab is miniscule.

No rapidly produced vaccine has ever been safe and effective. Never. Do YOU want to be first up to try out the next one?

read more here


  1. Excerpt last 3 paragraphs here, saved back in 2020 some article up some forum right about time the 'magic' 9-month Op Warp Speed juice was rolled out.

    All absolutely true, and for anyone reading part-time first books then inet for 20+ years on this 'science', there's 10000 times more scary truths about all the layers of lies in this field.

    Also extremely key that article put up just maybe 10 days ago this forum, didn't save it thought i did, about the recent chinese method of 'vaccinating' against bird 'flu' where they went right to the heart of the truth and isolated the exosomes and supersomes from sick birds BUT NOT ANY SO-CALLED VIRUS because there isn't any of those present or findable, and 'grew' them, injected those into healthy birds.

    Since vaccines never ever worked as claimed, in fact not at all, one of the first & biggest lies they pulled was insisting that vaccines really do cause antibodies to be generated, but magically, unlike the antibodies gained by a natural exposure to any endo- or exo-toxin which confer lifelong acquired immunity, these magic antibodies simply evaporate or just become useless or attenuated to useless, so you need a BOOSTER shot of the same vaccine every xx years to generate some more.

    This has long ago reached sickening levels in the animal world; if u have a cat or dog u know they insist on ANNUAL shots they claim are all boosters, after the first one.

    There are early reports of some people having no remaining antibodies within 2 or 3 months of infection. No idea if this is the case with the majority. But if the anxiously awaited vaccine has the same result (just a few months immunity), are you going to get the vaccine several times a year for the rest of your days?

  2. Parallel going on here with BIG AG trying to get patent protection, hence charge for their grain seeds BUT NOW IN MORE BROAD GENERIC HUMAN PRODUCE CROPS the way they do with the gmo'd crops out there past 25 years.

    CRISPR patents block conventional plant breeding
    Research on recent patent applications reveals ‘fake inventions’

    Plant species affected by recent patent applications include tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, broccoli, pepper, spinach, maize, wheat, barley and soybeans. Many of the patent applications also claim the food products derived from these plants.

  3. 44 minutes
    another timely vid expose.
    Dr. Bryan Ardis: 4 Life-Saving Truths: Bird Flu, Fear, AND MORE!
    Dr. Bryan Ardis
