Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Venezuela: Gov’t, Hardline Opposition Call for Mobilizations in Tense Election Aftermath

from Venezuelan Analysis

Caracas, July 30, 2024 (venezuelanalysis.com) – Venezuela’s post-electoral scene has been marked by anti-government mobilizations and confrontations with security corps.

The unrest has followed the July 28 presidential elections that saw incumbent Nicolás Maduro secure a third term while the hardline opposition refused to accept the results.

Since late Sunday, there have been multiple reports of street barricades in different cities, with burnt tires or other debris used to block major roads and highways. Transit between Caracas and the country’s main airport in La Guaira was interrupted on Monday morning.

In the early afternoon, a group of protesters attempted to advance to Miraflores Presidential Palace through the central Urdaneta Avenue before being stopped by a police cordon. Social media videos showed armed civilians appearing to fire live rounds at the opposition crowd to disperse it.

Other social media footage showed protesters with weapons as well as attacking bystanders or security officers.

Later in the afternoon, another group of masked activists clashed with the National Guard in El Silencio, close to another access to the presidential palace. A large pro-opposition contingent likewise attempted to march from Eastern Caracas but was stopped by police cordons and eventually dispersed.

Social media users reported on mobilizations in a number of Venezuelan cities as well. A mob in the Lara state town of Jiménez set the local city hall on fire on Monday evening. There were unconfirmed reports of three people dead and more than forty wounded. For his part, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino spoke of 23 wounded servicemen and called on the Venezuelan people to remain calm...

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