Monday, July 15, 2024

Video Shows Trump Fans WATCHING Shooter on Roof and PROOF Shooting Was Real

by Scott Creighton

Yesterday late I posted a shaky video (sorry) showing some news reporter saying the AP is now saying a cop DID go up on the roof and confront the shooter after being told by fans some guy was up there.

I said that was bullshit. That they were just trying to fix the narrative.

Turns out, there is a video of Trump supporters in that parking lot WATCHING the shooting getting into position on the roof... and I don't see any cops up there with him. Do you?


Here is a screen shot showing 3 officers in the area just slowly walking away like nothing is happening.


Good thing the FBI is investigating, right?

I know a lot of people think this whole thing was staged and that's OK. I thought the same thing 10 minutes after the news broke on Saturday evening.

But there is too much evidence now to continue thinking that is the case... unless you would like to explain how someone went thru the trouble to rig a boom forklift's hydraulic line to burst right after the shots were fired. That's a pretty convincing special effect if you ask me. Talk about attention to detail.


Notice it's a YELLOW boom forklift used to hold up the audio rack? It's sitting in front of a GREEN tractor.


Do you see? Can you see? Do you have eyes? No one is going to go thru the hassle of staging a sudden burst in a hydraulic line just to make people think the shooting is real. That's absurd.

Here are the three other people who were shot at the rally.

And they still have no motive for the shooting but don't worry... Biden says the FBI will be thorough and swift.

“I urge everyone — everyone, please, don’t make assumptions about his motives or his affiliations,” President Joe Biden said in remarks Sunday from the White House. “Let the FBI do their job, and their partner agencies do their job. I’ve instructed that this investigation be thorough and swift.” AP
As if the FBI usually does shoddy slow work if the president doesn't tell em otherwise?

Yes, the Secret Service either planned or helped facilitate someone else's asset to take out Donald Trump before he could return to office.

This doesn't make Trump a hero or our gladiator against the Deep State. I'm not doing that Jackson Hinkle/Hotep Jesus/Max Blumenthal grift.

Not just yet anyway.

But it's quite obvious that real bullets were fired and that others in the crowd were hit.

What's also obvious is the fact that the Secret Service allowed this to happen at best and made it happen at worst. 

Someone, some agency with clearance at the event, put that guy there. Someone kept agents off that roof where they should have been from the start. Someone kept them from removing the ladder on the side of the building that gave the shooter access and someone told that sniped, both of them, to hold off on shooting the guy they could clearly see... until he fired a few rounds at Trump.

It might be more pleasant to think it was staged. That our institutions aren't OK with killing candidates and random fans in the stands. That it was all just a PR stunt by Orange Man Bad.

But you're whistling past the graveyard. 

If you want a motive, if you want to know who did it...

... take a look at all the folks who tried to frame him, framed his friends, tried to take his businesses and property and look carefully at the FBI working on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

When Trump gets back in office, he will continue with his neoliberal, Zionist ways. Hell, he might even kick off WWIII in Lebanon or Iran.

They aren't trying to stop Trump from getting back in office because he is such a damn populist.

They are trying to stop Trump from getting back in office because Trump believes above all else...

... in payback.

And karma... karma is a bitch.


  1. This is the moment I develop serious doubts about your ability to interpret things, Scott. "No one is going to go thru the hassle of staging a sudden burst in a hydraulic line just to make people think the shooting is real." Well it worked on you, didn't it, Scott? I suppose the hassle was worth it.

    Since when do we think the people staging shit in this global puppet show are deterred by the "hassle" of getting the details right? Your logic, here, is the logic of the dupes who argue that the "moon landings" must be real because, otherwise "Soviets would have called them out as fake." Your logic is like that of the "but so many people would have to be IN on it!" debunkers. You're saying that your "proof" this is real is that it would have been a "hassle" to add a convincing detail to a staged version of the event. "Hassles" are not a brick wall limit on what's plausible. I thought we all figured that out long ago. If you've got the budget, the "hassle" is just some minion's problem. "Hassles" get delegated. Faking the "moon landing" was a festival of "hassles," no doubt. Just like 9/11. Or faking "killing" Osama for Obama's approval numbers.

    And re: "Here are the three other people who were shot at the rally"... A) were you there to inspect their wounds, Scott? or, alternately, B) since when do these fuckers avoid killing NPCs in their little skits?

    But, no, I guess there were two miracles that day, by your reasoning: Trump being shot at by a sniper and only getting his ear clipped (not even removed), with very little blood to show for it and... that perfect photo opp, in the heat of danger: Trump looking heroic in a note-perfect homage to the iconic "Iwo Jima" photo!

    Disappointed, Scott. Very. Your naive pro-China ( China: aka the fully-captured beta-tester for the techno-gulag the controling psycho-fuckers want to nudge us into; China: fully complicit in the FauxVid1984 show) rants were already troubling, but this...

  2. PS And you seriously think Trump is some kind of threat to the masters he serves? Who are the masters served by Biden. The goal would appear to be to let the "old actor-based political system destroy itself"... by putting these two goons as the only viable candidates, for some reason nobody can come up with... so that in the ensuing chaos, when shit is about as "bad as it can get"... Duh Masses will BEG for something better. Oh, you know... like Government By Algorithm.

    The stuff of Golden Age Sci Fi, which we've been fed since we were kids: "Global President The Infallible super Computer"... making its perfect decisions without human intervention, supposedly. Of course, it will be the same old fuckers Wizard-of-Ozzing it behind the scenes. All of this Biden/ Trump carnival is to help make that happen. Maye the goal is 2050? They're very good at long range plans.

  3. hey scott....TLAV has a clip showing SS snipers ducking and covering and cowering in fear....go take a look
