Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Israeli lawmaker defends anal rape of Palestinian captives

(Hamas treats the hostages well even buying em pizzas while the IDF sodomites do this to theirs. Talk about backing the wrong horse. But we still cheer these animals whenever they show up in congress. We're on the side of the Nazis in Ukraine and the terrorists in Israel.)

from RT

Eight reservists have been accused of sodomizing a prisoner with a broomstick 

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) arrested eight reservists on Monday as part of a probe into alleged torture of a Palestinian captive, prompting rioters, including several lawmakers, to break into a military base demanding their release. One argued that nothing was off-limits when it came to dealing with Hamas.

Ten soldiers were originally caught up in the investigation. Two were released early on Wednesday, while eight were ordered to remain in custody through Sunday. According to the IDF, they have been accused of aggravated sodomy, causing bodily harm, abuse, and conduct unbecoming of a soldier.

The arrest of the reservists on Monday interrupted a meeting of the Knesset Finance Committee, as a MP of the ruling Likud party, Hanoch Milwidsky, tried to walk out in protest.

“To insert a stick in a person’s rectum, is that legitimate?” asked Ahmad Tibi, an Israeli-Arab lawmaker.

“Yes!” Milwidsky shouted back. “If he is a Nukhba, everything is legitimate to do! Everything!”...

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