Monday, July 15, 2024

FBI to 'Investigate' Trump Shooting

by Scott Creighton


Check this out from NBC.

... Cavanaugh added: “Having been on Secret Service details, it’s amazing to me that somebody was on an elevated position that they didn’t know about.

Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Col. George Bivens defended the Secret Service at a news conference after the shooting.

“It is incredibly difficult to have a venue open to the public and to secure that against any possible threat against a very determined attacker,” Bivens said. “That’s a huge lift.”

“The investigation will really give us an opportunity to take a look at where any failures occurred and what can be done better in the future,” he added.

The Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The FBI is leading the investigation, including its crisis response team members and evidence response technicians, it said in a statement Saturday evening...' NBC

The Glorious FBI is heading the investigation into how the Secret Service screwed up so badly they let a mentally disabled guy get off 7 shots at former president Donald Trump on Saturday evening. 

But does anyone really think the FBI are the ones who should be heading this (or any?) investigation? I mean, after all... they tried to keep him out of office back in 2016, right? So what are the optics on this one? Let's take a peek.


I wonder if it's the same FBI that snatched up all the cameras on the route to the Oklahoma City Bombing way back when or the team that investigated WACO or the team that took all the cameras and footage when Haitian President Jovenel Moise was killed.. by his own Secret Service.

I wonder if it's the same FBI officials who Trump tried to sue along with Hillary Clinton for framing him with the RussiaGate bullshit way back in the day.

I wonder if it was the same FBI who broke into Trump's home to steal the evidence he was going to use in the lawsuit.

I wonder if it's the same FBI officials who gave Hillary Clinton a pass on those 30k missing emails and her using a private server while head of State Department so she could commit crimes much easier.

Is it THESE FBI employees?

[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right?” asked a top F.B.I. lawyer, Lisa Page, in one text. “Right?!”

Peter Strzok, the agent overseeing the F.B.I.’s investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russia, answered, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” NYT

Perhaps the old Crossfire Hurricane FBI agents will be heading up the shooting investigation.

I wonder if it will be the same FBI agents who executed Ibragim Todashev and then lied several times about what happened during their interrogation. 

I wonder if it will be the same FBI agents who made the 1993 WTC attack bomb and supervised it's placement in the parking garage.

'...Salem complained, “We was start already building the bomb . . . by supervising, supervision from the bureau [FBI] and the DA [district attorney], and we was all informed about it. And we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant...

Salem asked an FBI agent, “Do you deny your supervisor is the main reason of bombing the World Trade Center?” The agent did not deny Salem’s charge. FBI agent Nancy Floyd confided to Salem that her supervisors had botched the case...

Before the bombing, Salem offered to substitute harmless powder for the deadly explosives, thereby preventing any catastrophe. The FBI spurned his offer...

The feds considered Salem credible enough to pay him that $1 million for his 1995 testimony' New York Post

I wonder if it's the same FBI agents who made all those fake terror plots they then foiled so they could look like heroes.

I wonder if it's the same FBI agents who kept changing the story of the Vegas Shooting (during Trump presidency) so many times, they just stopped holding press conferences.

I wonder if it's the same FBI agents who tried to help Hillary Clinton beat Trump in 2016 by framing him.

Needless too say, I don't have a lot of confidence the FBI will get to the bottom of this. In fact, it seems they are always brought in to cover up nefarious shit.

It's also pretty obvious they don't want Trump back in the White House.

Can you say 'conflict of interest'?

1 comment:

  1. scott....go check out the SS snipers on the looks like they came under fire at just the moment the assassin was spotted....why the duck and cover body language?....why is the far sniper backing away down the roof and hiding?...
