Friday, July 19, 2024

Sugar Daddy of Trump’s VP Pick Has Deep Ties to CIA

(The Poppy Bush/Reagan vibes getting stronger by the minute)

from Covert Action (H/T David Martin)

Surging in the polls after surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump boosted his prospects of becoming the next president by nominating J. D. Vance as his vice president.

Vance is an Ohio Senator whose best-selling memoir Hillbilly Elegy positioned him as a politician who could empathize with people living in poverty in the Rust Belt.

Hillbilly Elegy recounted Vance’s upbringing in a poor family that also served as a sort of sociological examination of white working-class Americans.

Less well known about Vance is his intricate ties to billionaire Peter Thiel, who has enabled Vance’s political career.

According to The San Francisco Standard, it was Thiel who, in 2017, hired Vance to work at his Silicon Valley Mithril Capital firm and later invested heavily in Vance’s firm, Narya Capital.

Thiel then donated more than $15 million to Vance’s 2022 Senate campaign and escorted Vance to Mar-a-Lago to patch over his former “Never Trump” stance...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the latest Joe Rogaine Disinfotainment & Trivia show.
    Watch to see if they finally found Mikey's nose.

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    The Savior
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