Wednesday, July 17, 2024

DEI Director Kim Cheatle Says No One on the Roof Because... it was 'sloped'

by Scott Creighton

We have a new Magic Bullet theory or a new 'thermal expansion' theory if you like.

The 'sloped roof' theory is out from the head of the Secret Service, clearly a DEI hire, who has already said she will not step down in light of her failure and instead, she will fix the problems with her agency... by more DEI hires.

I'm not kidding.

' Members of the Secret Service’s counter-sniper team and counterassault team were at the rally and placed on rooftops immediately in the vicinity of the stage, but Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle told ABC News that no agent had been placed on the building the shooter climbed because it had a “sloped roof.” 

That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point, and so there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she said in an interview aired Tuesday. “So, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside.” The Hill

This person needs to not only be fired... but she needs to be arrested on suspicion of attempted murder of Donald Trump. But they can't do that, you see, because then she will talk about who gave her the order to stop him from becoming the next president.

By the way... here's the guys who waited 40 seconds to shoot Crooks... hanging out... on a sloped roof.

As you can see, the roof the 3 Secret Service snipers and spotter were on was much more sloped than the one Crooks was on. That one was practically flat.

If I had to guess I would say Crooks was on a 1/12 pitch while the SS snipers were on a 3/12 pitch.

What does that mean? That means in Crooks case the roof rose 1" for every 12" of run (or length) whereas the SS snipers were on one that rose 3" for every 12" of run. Here is a graph explaining it.

So you meant to tell me they thought the lower pitched roof was more dangerous than the higher pitched one? That's stupid.

Also, since when did the safety of the security asset outweigh the safety of the person they are there to protect? I mean if that's the case...

... why did all those SS agents surround Trump with their bodies?

This is total bullshit.

DEI Director Cheatle needs to be arrested because when investigating something like this, it's the attempted cover-ups that indicate most clearly who is behind the crime.

Below are so shots which prove Trump was hit by something. That means it was a crime. It was attempted murder and Director Cheatle needs to be arrested today.

 If she isn't held accountable for this... who's next? Your favorite candidate? 

'A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information... When a scandal breaks, the discovery of an attempt to cover up the truth is often regarded as even more reprehensible than the original deeds'

The cover-up itself is a criminal act which may indicate incompetence or complicity. The difference is to be determined by the investigation.

However you look at it, Dir. Cheatle  needs to be immediately removed from her position and arrested. 

1 comment:

  1. But....but....Drumpfy Himself put out that 2nd personal release, likely within an hour or 2 of the 1st official party press release, thanking his ss detail!
    FOR WHAT!?
    For catering his event with the best gd coffee and donuts on the planet?

    Maybe slyly thanking them to remember to forget rfk 1968, and also to bring a little cosmetic bottle (with hairbrush) of red paint to pretty him up for the rest of the act.
    The second i saw that in the vid, all i had to do was recall how rfk in 1968 really got it, lying on the floor surrounded by that crowd, AFTER the first shot from the ceiling shooter.

    To paraphrase Colonel Kilgore in Apocalypse Now: "Smells like.....BULLSHIT"!
