Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israel slams UN official over Netanyahu-Hitler comparison

(Precisely what every right-thinking human being living today should have been thinking... so of course... they have to try cancel her for saying it out loud)

from RT

Israel has slammed Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, for “anti-Semitism” after she endorsed a social media post comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.

On Thursday, Albanese responded to a post on X (formerly Twitter), showing Hitler surrounded by a cheering crowd, above a photo of Netanyahu being greeted in the US Congress this week.

“History is always watching,” Craig Mokhiber, a former UN human rights official, wrote in the post. Mokhiber resigned late last October, accusing the world body of failing to prevent the “genocide” of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

This is precisely what I was thinking today, Albanese said in response on Thursday...

read more here

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