Friday, July 19, 2024

Pandemic Agreement Timetable Leaves Little Room for December Adoption

(So Big mRNA wants to hold a vote for the Plandemic Treaty by Dec.?  Not out of the woods yet folks)

'“We must always keep the urgency of this generational agreement at the forefront because, as the current outbreak of H5N1 reminds us, the next pandemic may be around the corner,” added Tedros.' Health Watch

from Health Watch

As delegates at this week’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) worked to nail down a day-by-day agenda for negotiating a pandemic agreement for the next few months, it appears increasingly unlikely that the talks will be concluded by year-end. 

The detailed work plan – an indication that the Bureau has heard criticism that it has given member states too little notice in the past – underscores that there is so much to do in so little time.

As US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto noted on the first day of the meeting, the work proposal for the next INB meeting in September “assumes we can reach consensus on at least one article per day, which may be overly ambitious”.

Delegates have also resolved to include consultation with experts as part of the process. This is high time, given that the structures and processes they agree on should be workable for frontline pandemic ‘responders’: scientists studying pathogens, pharmaceutical companies making medicines, health workers and government officials trying to contain outbreaks. But it will mean more time is needed.

New co-chair Anne-Claire Amprou also told delegates on Wednesday that they would need to decide by 11 November – not 15th, as assumed the previous day – if there was sufficient agreement to call a World Health Assembly (HWA) special session in December to adopt a pandemic agreement...

This prompted the European Union’s Americo Zampetti to comment that such sessions should not simply serve as information giving but also solicit the inputs and opinions of the stakeholders, which range from patient advocacy organisations to pharmacuetical companies...

read more here


    They're ALL in on it in clear marching cadence.
    Just 1 here out of scores key world-scale events over the years almost no one has even noticed or thought anything of.

    Remember there's that 2019 clearly openly predicted (bragging) by the wef about a major WORLD cyberattack coming, AFTER their world shutdown. I'll see if i can find the quote.

    The WEF, Russia’s Sberbank, and its cybersecurity subsidiary BIZONE announced in February 2021 that a new cyberattack simulation would occur July 9, 2021. The event will simulate a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the SolarWinds attack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise participants.

    1. Whole mess of info up.
      Says in vid Interpol also involved in exercise.

      CYPER POLYGON exercise 2019 first one.
      The WEF's Cyber Attack Simulation: Part 1
      2023 18 minutes
      Coin Bureau
      2.49M subscribers
