Friday, July 19, 2024

So the Company that Brought You the Fake RussiaGate Hoax Just Caused Global Outages

 by Scott Creighton


The company behind RussiaGate (you know, the lie they used when they tried to frame Trump for working with Putin to overthrow democracy) just crashed Windows systems all over the world messing up travel, banking, media and telecoms industries.

They claim it was an accident.


It happened after a mandatory update... don't you just love mandatory updates? Used to be your IT guy or gal would schedule the updates when they suited the business and would have the ability to pick and choose which ones to install.

Not anymore. 

They own your computer. Do you remember when Windows system came with your hard drive label as 'my computer' til you gave it your name?

Now it says 'this PC' so as not to infer ownership... as in your ownership... since they consider it theirs if their software is on it.

Lots of em do this now. AutoCad is one of em but there are many others.

So Crowdstrike (like an attack on a large collection of people?) decided to force updates on everyone's system across the globe and shut down hospitals, banks, schools, airlines, telecoms, media outlets and a whole lot more.

That doesn't sound like a mistake to me. That sounds like a dry run or a beta test or maybe even a FF that went south when someone figured out it wasn't from China but instead it was from...

... well... us.

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