Monday, July 29, 2024

On My Disorganized Religion

 by Scott Creighton

The issue of organized religion is going to become more and more relevant to our lives in the coming months. 

When societies break down their leaders often turn to religion to keep the masses inline. 

We can already see this pattern emerging. Charlatans are crawling from under the rocks from which they hide trying to position themselves as spiritual gurus of one form or another. 

It doesn't matter which side of the fake political divide they dwell, the message and the agenda is always the same: take control of a flock of frightened and confused followers by giving them some sort of explanation for the misery that has suddenly befallen them. 

Kind of like what Scientology does every day.

Someone sent me an email got me thinking on the subject:


'Why do people need something to believe in to prevent us from murdering each other? Why can people not recognize the mystery of reality without a father to punish them or a demon to egg them on in all manner of evil?'

So I replied:

'Or the promise of a really good life, a reward... after they die?

That's the give away. That's the tell.

Your life will suck NOW but if you do what you are told, if you WORK and MAKE MONEY for some OWNER and keep your nose clean... AFTER YOU DIE YOU GET THE REWARD....

... and the idiots believed it while the people who told em that fairy tale live their ONE LIFE like KINGS.

It's no wonder they think we're stupid. We are.'

 Some religions aren't about streets paved of gold or pearly gates or getting everything you always wanted just for the asking.

Who lives like that by the way? Yeah, the people who created, proliferate and profit from organized religion and the beautiful people whom they enjoy hanging out with.

'You will own nothing and love it'

I wonder just how fanatical this country is going to become in the coming years if the Great Reset continues as planned.  It bothers me.

If people understood that living a better life, the ONE YOU GET, where you can make it a heaven or a hell on earth, revolves around how you treat one another, not on how much you can TAKE from each other, they would be much better off.

But good luck with that. Not in this country. Not these days. These days half the country thinks Jesus turned Vax-daddy's head so he wouldn't get whacked a couple weeks ago.


It's no wonder we are treated like animals by these people. I however love animals and think they can learn pretty much anything if one takes the time and cares enough to try.

Kind of the idea behind the enlightenment, if you know your history. Kind of the idea behind the printing press as well.

Kin of the idea I had starting my first blog, to be honest. Even hard truths can be understood and accepted by the every-man types if you set your mind to it. Even the unpleasant ones.

That's my religion anyway. As disorganized as it is. It's my mantra. It's my prayer.  

The kingdom of heaven is within reach. All we have to do is try.

1 comment:

  1. i am reminded of an old folk song by joe hill called "the preacher and the slave".

    "work and pray, live on hay
    you'll get pie in the sky when you die".
