Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Watch the Putrid Vile Sycophants in Congress Cheer for a Ruthless Genocidal Terrorist

by Scott Creighton

It's too bad Hitler died so soon at the end of the war. He could have come to America and been treated like a hero. Or bin Laden for that matter. If he didn't die in Nov of 2001, he might have enjoyed the rock-star treatment his terrorist brother Benjamin Netanyahu just got from our AIPAC-fearing congress-critters.

This is vile. And this only happens in America.

They stand like this and applaud like this because they know AIPAC and their PAC are watching the video to see who cheered Zionism's bloody red right hand and who didn't. 

Netanyahu is a criminal and terrorist and a Jewish Supremacist. He deserves prison and a date before the world court at the ICJ or ICC not this phony bullshit self-serving adulation from cowardly congressmen seeking to keep their bloated paychecks.

How does it feel America to know your system is so fucked right now you condemn the dying children and warmly extend your hand to their racist, greedy murderer?

The 34 killed on the USS Liberty roll over in their graves in shame.


  1. Not even on the no fly list!
    Remember that throwback, still supposedly in effect yet.

  2. Col Douglas Macgregor on Netanyahu in DC
    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive
    EVNG JUL24
    6 minutes
    5.7K views 1 hour ago
