Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Bangladesh Regime Change: UPDATES

 by Scott Creighton

The leadership of the 'student movement' that burned, looted and killed police during the protests have said they want Hillary Clinton's globalist, WEF-linked  'microloan' huckster to be their next Prime Minister.


'As the country waited for a new government to emerge, a key student leader said protesters wanted Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus to head an interim government. Yunus — who is currently in Paris for the Olympics — called Hasina’s resignation the country’s “second liberation day.” He could not immediately be reached for comment, but a key organizer of the protests, Nahid Islam, said Yunus had agreed...

Earlier Tuesday, protest leader Sarjis Alam told reporters that they had asked the president to dissolve Parliament by 3 p.m., and threatened to renew their demonstrations otherwise as they seek to “repair the state.”

“We have proposed the name of Muhammad Yunus with his consent. Now if someone else comes from among the MPs, we will not allow that to happen,” he said.' AP

Why businesses need to reshape society Muhammad Yunus 2013 for the World Economic Forum

Ideas for change: social business Muhammad Yunus 2012 for the World Economic Forum

Muhammad Yunus WEF profile page

Presidential Medal of Freedom, from Barack Obama, 2009 

What People Say About Dr. Yunus :: Hillary Clinton 2009

Yunus signed NED letter in 2020

160 neoliberal world leaders got behind him when he was being tried for corruption and loan sharking this year including Bill and Hillary Clinton.

' Earlier this month, 18 former Grameen Telecom workers filed a case against Yunus, accusing him of siphoning off their job benefits.'

'Separately, Yunus went on trial in August 2022 on charges of violating labour laws.'

His 'microloan' scam is just that, a scam. It's loan sharking. It's a payday loan with benefits. The guy is a POS and the crowd who came to his defense makes that perfectly clear.

' In the meantime, the film that has played a powerful role in challenging Yunus's global reputation as a pioneer of microfinance will finally be shown in London on Friday( I wrote about the film on this blog a month ago). After the film, the Danish film-maker Tom Heinemann will be in conversation with Alex Counts of the Grameen Foundation. Given how fiercely contested the whole subject of microfinance and the role of the Grameen Bank in particular has become, Counts deserves credit for taking on the debate publicly.' The Guardian 2011

And this is the guy the leaders of the 'student protest movement' are demanding take over in the country?


The military in Bangladesh is getting a shakeup in the upper ranks getting rid of military leaders who didn't want to go along with the Western-backed coup.

'On Tuesday, some senior positions in the military were reshuffled.' AP
The police are refusing to return to the streets. They are being accused of brutality but no one seems to notice just how many cops were killed by the 'student demonstrators' first.

This is Hong Kong all over again. Hong Kong and Ukraine 2014.

On May 8th of 2024 the IMF agreed to give 1.4 billion dollar loan to Bangladesh but they had to agree to a number of austerity measures to get it.

So on July 3rd...

'Bangladesh is in talks with China for a loan of about $5 billion to bolster the nation’s dwindling foreign-exchange reserves, the central bank governor said, drawing the South Asian country closer to Beijing. The funds will be denominated in yuan and give exporters access to financing they can use to pay for much-needed raw material imports from China, Governor Abdur Rouf Talukder said in an interview in Dhaka on Tuesday. The talks are at a technical stage, he added.' TIME

When it was clear that their current Prime Minister was dragging her feet regarding the austerity measures involved with taking the IMF loan, guess what happened?

The student protest began over some silly quota system for government jobs. That small, microprotest, if you will, was seized upon by those who wished to regime change the country and the rest is now history.

Just like Giza Park in Turkey or the change of a law in Hong Kong. Small narrowly focused organic protests being hijacked by regime change actors from places like our State Department and the NED, using Black Bloc-type thugs to destabilize a nation in order to bring about regime change.

Truly disappointing are the alt-left 'thought leaders' who are standing with the IMF/Clinton/WEF/NED regime change op:

Cynthia McKinney

 'I am aware that India and the U.S., like thieves in the night, want to steal victory away from the toughened Bangladeshi students; the last thing either state wants is for true democracy to ring in Bangladesh.'

'AUGUST 5, TODAY, Right Now!!! BREAKING NEWS: UNARMED STUDENTS OF BANGLADESH HAVE TOPPLED THE GOVERNMENT; PRIME MINISTER HAS FLED THE COUNTRY! If the students in Bangladesh can do it, surely We the People of the U.S. can eliminate this system of oppression also known as our government!'

Jimmy Dore hasn't even mentioned it

The Young Turks haven't either


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  2. U left out what's Jo 'Bro wit da killah skinfro' Rogaine saying!

    Amazingly similar CV to another notorious scaly-hided blood-sucking reptilian scumbag, fortunately recently departed!

    They use the same mold for all their creations, anointing them with the same emollients, trappings, awards,....

    WEF MF'er;
    No Bell Pizza Price 'winner';
    MoFo Award;

  3. Again, moved up to here from 2 days ago.
    LIVE hi-def color cam video 4 fields on 1 screen with 1 showing local 24 hour time there.

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  4. How Our Elites INCITED Far Right Uprising In England: Don't Let Them Get Away With It
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    21 minutes
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    1. https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=292442
      The Truthseeker
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