Saturday, August 31, 2024

West Bank attacks lay bare what Netanyahu's endgame is for Palestinian territories

from al Mayadeen English

Over the past few days, Israeli forces under the instruction of the Benjamin Netanyahu government have carried out violent raids in the occupied territories of the West Bank, internationally recognised as part of Palestine. During these raids, the occupation forces have claimed to be killing “terrorists” and “militants” as part of a “counter-terrorism operation”, but Palestine’s mission to the UN stated that the IOF have “invaded homes, deliberately targeted civilians, destroyed vital infrastructure and even besieged the four main hospitals in the area".

The sudden decision to wage war against the occupied West Bank comes simultaneously with the ongoing war on Gaza, as well as a total disregard of US backed “efforts” to try and secure a ceasefire. Of course, I accurately predicted in a previous article that such a ceasefire amounted to little more than US backed PR with no serious ability to leverage Tel Aviv, with Benjamin Netanyahu having no such interest in one. Rather, what these attacks demonstrate is the true “endgame” of his government, which is for all intents and purposes to destroy the Two-State Solution and sovereign Palestine...

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