Wednesday, August 14, 2024

‘Less flexible?’ Just say it NYT, Israel is sabotaging a ceasefire deal

from al Jazeera

Once in a while, The New York Times has to tell inconvenient truths regarding Israel, the preferred partner in crime of the United States and the recipient of billions upon billions of dollars in American aid and weaponry.

However, just because the US newspaper of record has to tell the truth doesn’t mean it has to do so in a straightforward way.

There was that time in 2014, for example, that The Times reported on the Israeli missile strike that killed four young boys playing football on the beach in the Gaza Strip. While the text of the article did unflinchingly convey the fact that Israel had slaughtered four children, the headline was rendered preposterously vague: “Boys Drawn to Gaza Beach, and Into Center of Mideast Strife”.

Now that the Gaza Strip has become not only the “centre of Mideast Strife” but the site of a straight-up genocide, The Times has once again found itself creatively diluting the news, as in Tuesday’s headline: “Israel Was Less Flexible in Recent Gaza Cease-Fire Talks, Documents Show”.

Translation: Israel is sabotaging ceasefire efforts in a war that way back in January had already killed one percent of the population of Gaza...

read more here


  1. He (they) DON'T want any stoppage of any kind; never did.
    Their goal is still ongoing, right in the public eye worldwide daily, and they don't give a tinker's damn or a goddam about it.
    In fact they're proud if it.
    They've stated publicly, many times many of their higher-ups not just nutty, they intend to thoroughly cleanse gaza!
    With other projects to follow after that is done.
    BTW, to note those 2 "celebration days" aug 12-13 have now passed by, picked by some as a likely retribution date by iran.

    So still ahead is AUG19, the 71st anniv. of the 1953 overthrow of the elected president of iran mosaddeq then by the tag team of eisenhower-kermit roosevelt aka rosenfeldt.

    BUT AUG15 tomorrow is a huge day, even bigger anniversary date:
    1534 jesuits founded by loyola in paris france;
    1944 allies land invasion force on se coast france, 6 weeks after d-day june6 west wall landing/attack;
    2021 us mil evacuates afghanistan thru kabul airport;

  2. Here's the joke of the day, and wouldn't u know it, it's straight from this sikk fatt fascist fukk pigg who during the lockdown in 2021 had his nose the farthest up turdo's ass than any other!
    Following every diktat to the letter.

    TO NOTE, not 1 province to date has offered to hire back, let alone at full seniority they hade when quit/fired, ANY/ALL of the different work classes of health workers...nurses, nurses aides, orderlies, ...
    This despite chronic shift shortages, especially with many of those who didn't quit but got all juiced up and are now off sick for indeterminate weeks at a time constant recruitment/hiring ads for same all over the medias, including internet.

    Premier Ford (ontario, 14MM) jokes that hospital overflow can go to new animal hospital
    1.2K views 1 day ago
