Wednesday, August 14, 2024

My evaluation of the TEXT of Trump's talk with Elon Musk

by Scott Creighton

My evaluation of the TEXT of Trump's talk with Elon Musk.


Trump praises the SS sharpshooter for his 'quick action'

'And he was able to pick it all out within five seconds... And he saw the smoke and the flame from the gun, immediately recognized it, and immediately took a shot... But he took aim very quickly. And they say it was approximately five seconds from long range, one bullet... So I have to take my hat off to him'

The SS sharpshooter had the assassin in his sites for over 30 seconds before allowing him to get off 5 or 6 shots BEFORE taking him out. The videos are very clear on these facts.

Trump evades the question of why the SS didn't cover that rooftop then steers the discussion toward the bullshit story of the cop who supposedly peeked over the roof without firing a shot.

ELON MUSK: I mean, look at the aerial views. That building would be, like, the number one spot for a sniper. If you were to pick, like, what is the favorite place? So if the goal is to assassinate, what’s your favorite spot? That building.

DONALD TRUMP: You’re right.

ELON MUSK: That building would be number one.

DONALD TRUMP: That would have been the spot.

ELON MUSK: You can ask for a better location.

DONALD TRUMP: No, that would have been the spot. You know, what people think is when the local policeman, who, by the way, you know, he really, he did what he was supposed to do. He couldn’t hold on any longer.

And that's it. They avoid any discussion pertaining to just how odd it was the SS didn't cover the one rooftop that would allow a sniper the best shot at Trump and certainly don't bring up the fact that we can watch the SS watch the sniper for over 30 seconds before he starts shooting.

Does he mention the SS head who refused to step down and said that bullshit about the sloped roof being the reason no one was up there? No. He says nothing about that and they just move on to immigration.

And on that note while talking immigration, he fits in some propaganda about Glorious Israel

'And I’ll tell you what. They’re coming not just from South America. They’re coming from Africa. They’re coming from all over the world.They’re coming from Asia. They’re coming from the Middle East. They’re coming from countries that are stupidly and horribly bombing Israel, October 7th. They’re coming from all over the world. And, you know, you look at it’s so sad, October 7th, because it should have never happened.'

And then there are just the flat out lies:

They’re allowing people from their jails. And if you were running one of these countries where they’re coming from, you would have had all of them. As an example, Venezuela, their crime is down 72 percent. They’re taking their drug dealers.

They’re taking, frankly, their prisoners. They’re emptying out their prisons. They’re taking their criminals, their murderers, their rapists, and they’re delivering them.

ELON MUSK: That’s what Castro did.

DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, well, he did on a much smaller scale.

Oh and he goes on

' These are rough people. These are really rough people coming across. And I know rough people. And these are people that we don’t want in our New York where somebody was knifed, where they raped the girlfriend of a man...These are people that are in jail for murder and all sorts of things. And they’re releasing them into our country...'

Using fear of the other to garner votes. That's Donald Trump. Of course he and Elon love illegal immigration. It reduces their labor costs. 

But then again, those dastardly leaders from non-neoliberal states are sending their takers, not their makers.

'they’re also taking their nonproductive people...But these are people that are nonproductive...They are just nonproductive, I mean, for whatever reason. They’re not workers or they don’t want to work or whatever. And these countries are getting rid of nonproductive people...'

That's because Trump and Elon both love cheap, hardworking labor. 

And speaking of labor, Trump loves Elon's union busting ways.

'I’d love it. Well, you you’re the greatest cutter. I mean, I look at what you do. You walk in. You want to quit? I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, that’s OK. You’re all gone. You’re all gone. So every one of you is gone and you are the greatest. You would be very good. Oh, you would love it.'
Then he praises Milei from Argentina. You know, the guy dropping the economic brick on those folks like Pinochet did on the people of Chile in 1973.

'You know, the new head of a place called Argentina. And he was — he’s great. And he’s a big MAGA fan. You know that he ran on MAGA and he took it to an extreme to he ran on MAGA. And I hear he’s doing really a terrific job. It’s called make Argentina great again. It worked out perfectly.

He came and they bought a lot of hats. He brought over. But he’s doing a big job. He really cut.'

Really cut meaning he privatized everything the bankers thought would produce a profit then did away with the rest so people would either work for pennies or fucking starve. This part of the talk really gives Elon a hard-on.

' And what Milei is doing is, you know, he’s cutting government spending. He’s simplifying things. He’s having you’re putting in regulations that make sense. And Argentina overnight is experiencing a giant improvement. Prosperity.'

So of course, he is promising Big Business to drop the economic structural adjustments brick on us just as soon as he gets in office.

'And what I’m going to do, one of the first acts. And this is where I need an Elon Musk. I need somebody that has a lot of strength and courage and smarts.

I want to close up Department of Education, move education back to the states..'

Donald Trump is an idiot. "a place called Argentina' Really?

Trump is a moron.

He's dumb enough to allow Big Business to whisper in his ear to the point where we become the Asian Tigers or Chile or Russia under Yeltsin. 

I'm sorry, I mean 'a place called Russia'

This is neoliberal economic ideology and it's what crippled out economy for everyone but the 1% since Reagan. Yep, Every president since Reagan has been a neoliberal. With no exception.

And Trump is promising more and harsher economic shocks for the United States when he gets into office.

Union busting (illegal by the way), privatizing, genocide supporting, war-mongering, race-bating and playing to the worst tropes of WWI propaganda to garner votes from his base out of pure terror.

This kind of shit would have him laughed off stage 40 years ago. An interview like this would have ended his political career back then.

Today? crickets.

 But Trump got his mind right. No more talk of election rigging. No mention of the Secret Service clearly letting some amateur take 5 or 6 pot shots at his head.

Nope. Instead he praised em for their 'heroic' work.

I guess they got their message across to Donald. Now he's gonna play nice.

I still think they remove him once J.D. Vance is 'elected' to the understudy role. Trump is too vain and childish to understand such things.

 So the Never-Trumper who backed Hillary Clinton in 2016 waits in the wings for his time in the spotlight.

What Trump doesn't understand is that the powers that be THEY understand just how easy it is to manipulate him. They know they have his attention NOW but what about a year in? Or two?

Trump is a lot of things but he isn't what Biden once called 'solid'  That's because he's not a true believer. He's an actor. A chameleon. A shape-shifter. And you can't maintain stability with a pretender.

The masters of the universe know that. They also know they wont be able to usher in the great economic brick on America if they have to depend on Vance being 'elected' on his own.

So they wait and the Secret Service's 'little mistake' serves it purpose anyway.

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