Friday, August 30, 2024

Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden: Correa Pulls Support for Snowden – It’s Been the London Consul of Ecuador Backing Assange and Snowden (archive)

(archived from June 29, 2013)

by Scott Creighton

People have often asked me why someone like Ecuador’s President Correa would help with the various psyops, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. I wondered about that myself til I read the following new report out of the Guardian this morning: it’s been their London office putting out all this support for the various psyops, not Ecuador… and now their president is pissed off and pulling his support.

The plan to spirit the surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden to sanctuary in Latin America appeared to be unravelling on Friday, amid tension between Ecuador‘s government and Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

President Rafael Correa halted an effort to help Snowden leave Russia amid concern Assange was usurping the role of the Ecuadoran government, according to leaked diplomatic correspondence published on Friday.


Amid signs Quito was cooling with Snowden and irritated with Assange, Correa declared invalid a temporary travel document which could have helped extract Snowden from his reported location in Moscow.

Correa declared that the safe conduct pass issued by Ecuador’s London consul – in collaboration with Assange – was unauthorised, after other Ecuadorean diplomats privately said the WikiLeaks founder could be perceived as “running the show”.

According to the correspondence, which was obtained by the Spanish-language broadcaster Univision and shared with the Wall Street Journal, divisions over Assange have roiled Ecuador’s government. Guardian

You see, it’s not Correa behind Ecuador’s support of Assange or even Snowden, but rather the London consul at the Ecuadorian embassy. Is it that far fetched to assume that a consul located in the heart of globalization, London, would be temped to serve another master? And after all, Julian doesn’t seem to be in any real hurry to get to Ecuador either.

As it turns out, Ecuador didn’t issue safe conduct for our new manufactured hero, London did. The same London playing host to our other manufactured hero, Julian Assange.

Starting to make more sense now, isn’t it?

Well, apparently Ecuador is getting a little fed up with the bullshit and they revoked the safe passage for the ghost-man in Moscow. So Ecuador’s president will be promptly demonized for standing against our manufactured hero.

Now it makes a lot more sense doesn’t it?

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