Thursday, August 15, 2024

Five prominent Israeli rabbis condemn provocative settler incursion into al-Aqsa Mosque

(The other day the Israeli representative to the UN resigned and gave a little going away speech in which he spewed abject hatred and claimed Israel to be not only the most moral nation in the world but also the model for the future of governance. Here we see rabbis pleading to the people of Israel to not let these extremists be seen as representing them.)

from PressTV

Five senior Israeli rabbis have deplored a recent settler incursion into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of al-Quds, highlighting a longstanding ban on Jewish prayers at the holy site.

In a joint video statement released on Wednesday, the rabbis based in al-Quds slammed “radical fringes,” a day after thousands of Israeli settlers, joined by far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, stormed the complex.

Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef emphasized that extremist ministers like Ben-Gvir do not represent Israelis.

“I call on the nations of the world, do not see those ... ministers as representing the people of Israel,” he said.  “Please calm things down… We mustn’t let radical fringes lead us.”...

read more here


  1. The real anti-Semites are those thuggish settlers.

  2. AUG14
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    The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) last week revoked the certifications

  3. The long version, and late due to all the details.
    Summary of points and timestamps are posted below the vid.

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  4. Just like in gaza, the war FOR THEM is going Grrrrreat!

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    3.6K views 1 hour ago AUG16
