Monday, August 26, 2024

Don't Weep for Bobby Kennedy Jr. He's a Soulless Sellout and Always Has Been

by Scott Creighton

RFK Jr. talking with Fox News this weekend about his dropping out of the race and his endorsement of Donald Trump for president (a few days after he was reported to have said...)


According to RFK Jr. himself, Trump promised no quid-pro-quo cabinet position to Bobby but said he would 'work with' him to do things like end the Ukraine war and start to address children's health in the United States by looking at things like... the food supply.

This is what Trump recently Tweeted about Kennedy:


Did RFK Jr. tell Vax-Daddy Trump he was 'OK with the Vaccine' or did Trump just make that up? Good question, right?


In the interview, Bobby goes on to explain his talk with the Kamala Harris campaign in which he was looking to see what he could get for herding his sheep into the DNC camp this year. He mostly ran away from the question but then did admit he had much the same conversation with her he had with Trump. Notice what he DIDN'T say:

'When my uncle was president Shannon, only 6% of Americans had chronic disease today over 60% do. And it's hard to find a kid that has not been damaged by it and it's coming from our food supply, from pollution in our environment, from toxics in our environment and mainly from corruption in our government that allows that to happen.' RFK Jr. Aug 25 2024

Not a single word from him on the real cause of those chronic illnesses that are so prevalent in our society today. Not a word about the genocide the Zionists are committing in Gaza and the West Bank.

I did a video a week ago talking that very same issue, H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

One could argue that Bobby has to say all the right things to get himself into a position where he can effect change, that glorious CHANGE Barack promised so many years ago. But here's the problem with that. 

When Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, it's not Mr. Smith who changes Washington, it's Washington that changes Mr. Smith.

And Bobby is a perfect example of that.

Mr. Kennedy seems to have denied us in our moment of need. Left us hanging. Threw us under the bus. The same bus, BTW, that brought him to where he is today.

In his announcement of his dropping out, Bobby says the same thing. He claims he 'prayed to God' to help him 'end the censorship, end the Ukraine war and address the chronic illness problem' facing children today. 

Some folks got all teary-eyed over that bullshit. But they are mainly his cheerleaders and employees.

The rest noticed his glaring omissions being the genocide of the Palestinians and of course... vaccine injuries that are still piling up across the world thanks to the Rona vaxxes and others.

'If I am given the opportunity to fix the chronic disease crisis and reform food production, I promise that within 2 years we will watch chronic disease burden lift dramatically.' RFK Jr. 

He said 'this is a spiritual journey for me'  This is the same guy who kept a journal highlighting all the young women he slept with while married to his first wife (his lust demons), who was arrested as a young man for doing speed-balls in college and who flew on the Lolita Express with Jeffrey Epstein... 4 times. With his children on the flights.

But his spiritual journey has taken him now to a place where he is telling his followers in 10 swing states to vote for 'a terrible human being' and 'the worst president ever'?

Also of note, Trump still brags about getting Covid-19 vaccines approved without standard testing timelines.

To his credit, RFK Jr. does mention how corrupt the regulatory system is in our country these days. And good for him for doing that. But, that's something the MSM has covered for years and years.

So thanks Bobby for that... insight?

But what of all that vaccine 'truth' you peddled for all those years? And what about the genocide in Gaza? Not politically expedient to talk about now?

So when will it be?

Yes we need to reform the FDA and get Big Business out of the business of pretending to regulate their own industries in government.

Yes we need to remake our food industries in order to better serve the interests and health of our people.

But these fixes Bobby is talking about involves... the dreaded... Bigger Gubmint!!! EEEk! And we know of Donald Trump, he and all his buddies (like the Clintons if you recall) hate Bigger Gubmint and would NEVER stand in the way of Big Business making bigger profits.

And so like everything else that Bobby seemingly stood for not that long ago... my guess is... he will throw that shit under the bus as well.

Same bus he now rides to campaign events all week long.

Don't weep for Bobby. He's a vapid POS with no moral center and always has been.

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