Friday, August 30, 2024

Resist til the Last

by Scott Creighton

Here is a father who has already lost two sons, one 3-years-old, crushed when Israeli planes dropped U.S. weapons on his home.

And what does he tell another grieving man? Do not cry. Do not weep. Will will all meet this same fate fighting back against our occupiers and the genocidal Zionists in Israel.

And before any of you chime in with your hateful propaganda about what kind of father or 'animal' says this kind of thing I want you to ask yourself what would you do were we to be invaded and occupied here in the States or in whatever 'free' country you live in?

I would ask you to remember the film Red Dawn (the old one, the good one, not the remake) and how you felt as the young kids hid in the woods while the sheriff was forced to address his sons and get them to come out and give up.

He, a father, a hero in our American version of a resistance flic, told his boys instead to fight to the death and kill all the invaders they could and that he loved them.

And he was shot in the head for it as our hearts soared.

So keep your propaganda moralizing to yourselves. Cash your hasbara paychecks and leave this post alone.

We are by nature a people committed to freedom and independence and would NEVER accept a blatant occupation like the one the Israelis commit on the Palestinians every day and have done so for decades before Oct 7 2023.

Israel's occupation of our political and media structures? Well, that's a little harder to expose. But we work on it.

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