Friday, August 30, 2024

Leaked Chats Reveal a U.S.-Linked Prosecutor Is Behind the Assault on Ecuador’s Social Democratic Movement

(Imagine that. The Biden administration and the so-called left in this country attacking left-leaning elements in other countries in order to make sure they never rise to power again. 'But Scott they are socialists and commies!'... are they? Are they really?)

from Drop Site by Ryan Grim and Jose Olivares

The messages show how Ecuador’s attorney general is using her office to attack the left—in alliance with the U.S.

You may remember a few months ago when Ecuador briefly stumbled onto the global stage, first when narco gangs broke out of prison and took over a TV crew live on air and then when President Daniel Noboa’s government launched a genuinely shocking raid of the Mexican embassy, dragging out Jorge Glas, the leftist former vice president of Rafael Correa, who was being given asylum by Mexico. You may also remember it took the U.S. a disturbing amount of time to issue a statement even mildly skeptical of the extraordinary breach of diplomatic norms.

How did Ecuador go from one of the safest countries in the Americas, a rising and stable social democracy, to a rogue, flailing narco-state with a surging crime wave? U.S. hostility to any social democratic government that attempts to chart an independent path, it turns out, is a central part of the answer.

Drawing on more than a thousand text messages sent by Ecuador’s top prosecutor, Diana Salazar—a rising star recently fêted in Time magazine by USAID’s Samantha Power—my colleague José Olivares and I have produced a new investigation mapping out the way the social democratic movement of Correa has been systematically undermined—hollowing out Ecuadorian state capacity and making way for an alliance of right-wing oligarchs and narco-traffickers to seize power—all under the guise of battling corruption. The U.S., with some notable exceptions, does not exert power through the blunt force of military coups or armed-and-funded paramilitaries in the way that it used to. But in many ways, the result is the same...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Um, Ryan Grim? Washington DC bureau chief for the intercept? Co-host of “The Hill” broadcast? Formally of Huffington Post?

    I question why this well established mockingbird asset is affiliated with this article, as well as the validity of the report itself
