Wednesday, August 28, 2024

After the 'Crisis' WHO Adjusts Numbers of Mpox Cases and Deaths Down by about 95% or So

by Scott Creighton


I searched '2022-24 Mpox (Monkeypox) Outbreak: Global Trends' which brought me to WHO main page for Mpox outbreak which mentions nothing of the numbers cited by so many news orgs 2 weeks ago. It leads to a link by same name which leads to the link I shared which has same numbers. In short... the number revision is accurate.

Mpox Vaccine Maker Bavarian Nordic Shares Soar Amid Concern Over Virus Outbreak  

Today, with new numbers fresh on WHO website...

Mpox Update: WHO Says $87 Million 'Critical' for Containing Outbreak 

That's right. After adjusting the numbers downward by a ton, the WHO is still pushing for more $$$ for Big Pharma.


Can't make this shit up.

Just when you thought you might want to give Dr. T and the wacky folks at the WHO another chance (after 'accidentally' screwing up Covid response so badly) they turn around and do this.

They told us just two weeks ago that there were over 15,000 cases of Mpox in this new outbreak with 535 deaths attributed to it at the time. 

So of course, Dr. T declared the Mpox an international emergency and vaccine shipments were bought and paid for with the quickness.

Turns out, uh... yeah... its really 3,659 cases in the whole of 2024 all across the globe with only 33 deaths.

That's uh... 33 is about 5% of 535. 

Yeah you can't make this shit up but apparently the WHO can. 


'The World Health Organization on Wednesday again declared mpox an international health emergency in response to a growing outbreak in Africa, renewing deep concerns about a virus that seized global attention two years ago.
The declaration comes after Africa recorded more than 15,000 suspected and confirmed cases and 537 deaths this year, exceeding the toll in all of 2023. Infections reached record highs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the virus has been endemic for decades and where the vast majority of African cases are concentrated.' Washington Post Aug 14 2024
Now from the current WHO website on the Mpox virus:


How about that. Massive downgrade of the 'emergency crisis' data from the WHO without any real explanation.

But they do offer a disclaimer:

'WHO makes no warranties or representations regarding the contents, appearance, completeness, technical specifications, or accuracy of the report. WHO disclaims all responsibility relating to, and shall not be liable for, any use of the report, the results of such use, or the reliance thereon.

WHO reserves the right to make updates and changes to the report without notice, and accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in this regard.' WHO

Yeah that sounds about right.


  1. BILLzebub's reaction to this latest news of his latest psyop scamdemic panic:

    "HA-HA (from Nelson Simpsons)! Suckered all you dumbasses good---AGAIN!"

  2. Yeah, these 2 at the very top of any list of the worthless & owned, were going to get a helluva lot done anyway in some kind of "peace" prattle!
    Just buying more time for their real buddies is all.

    Israel Launches 'New War'; Palestine Pres. Cuts Short Saudi Trip | West Bank Battles IDF Invasion
    Times Of India

  3. LOL.
    Somebody 'discovers' Dear Leader's national tv channel, on satellite!
    I pointed out 2+ years ago his internet utube channel in plain site.

    Ontario man stumbles upon “mind-boggling” North Korean state TV broadcasts
    Global News

  4. aug28
    the cleansing of gaza continues...

    On August 21, the Israeli army ordered different areas in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, to evacuate their homes and newly-erected tents. This was the first step in the army’s invasion and campaign of destruction in Deir al-Balah, the last town that has not been completely leveled throughout the war.

  5. Massive Nationwide Nurse Layoffs: Thousands Suddenly Fired!

    Orlando Miner
    64.9K subscribers
    2021 - Take the jab, or you're fired!
    2024 - Just kidding, you're fired anyway.
