Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Biden gives arms shipment proponent top Israel policy role

from Mondoweiss

Last week the Biden administration tapped Mira Resnick, an official who has helped facilitate weapons shipments to Israel, as the State Department’s point person on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The HuffPost‘s Akbar Shahid Ahmed reported that Resnick will replace Andrew Miller as the department’s new deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs. Miller quit the position in June, citing family obligations. He was regarded as a critic of the Netanyahu government and Biden’s policy in the region.

Prior to joining the State Department, Resnick spent over a decade working for pro-Israel Democrats, including former Representatives Eliot Engel (D-NY), Henry Waxman (D-CA), Ron Klein (D-FL), and Steve Israel (D-NY)...

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