Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Why I Hate Organized Politics in America and Especially the Fake as Fuck Fascist Democrat Party

 by Scott Creighton

Ryan Grim (yeah yeah I know) has on his Drop Site website a video from the DNC Convention the other night when Sneaky Uncle SloJoe was speaking. There were a couple of anti-genocide radicals in the mix who were apparently also delegates from some state. 

They tried to hold up a banner with perhaps the least offensive short message I could have possibly come up with myself and were swarmed with non-violent, right-thinkers who did everything they could to hide the simple 'stop arming Israel' wrong-think.

Here are the thought-criminals doing their dirty deed trying to stop the killing of children with weapons paid for with their tax money. The horror:

Can you see the evil in their hopeful little eyes? How they are trying to use Kamala's glorious moment to bring attention to a genocide? The fiends. 

And here is the moment the crowd decided to pass all their stupid sheep-signs down to the folks in front of the offending thought so they could block it from view. That's right... censorship on the fly from your 'progressive' friends at the DNC.


Ironically enough, this was the moment when Genocide Joe was saying this is a historic moment... yeah, helping his Zionist buddies wipe Palestine off the map by killing over 15,000 children in horrible unspeakable ways.

God I hate the Democrats. 

Their cowardice makes me sick because it is by choice not genetics or fate. They go along to get along like Hitler's Willing Executioners or Hitler's American Friends.

Little do they know, after they help usher in the final version of the Fascist States of America, it is the left or the fake left that will be first on the black-bag lists to be rounded up and removed from society just like what has happened in every other fascist coup in history from Indonesia to Chile to Guatemala to Argentina and the Asian Tiger states.

Ignorant fuckers are beggars to their own demise.

It's like a giant Amway convention. All the gaggle of geese preening and pecking to get themselves noticed by someone higher up in the pyramid scheme for their own monetary gain as I imagine most Nazi Party rallies were back in the 30s and 40s... kind of like this one.


It stuns me sometimes when folks I talk with think I am paranoid or being hyperbolic because I tell them we are headed very quickly to a full on fascist state. How can they not see it? We've been there before, flirting with it, so many times in the past.

How can people not see it after watching what tyrannical thugs their neighbors turned into when threatened with a simple little virus that carried a 99.99% survival rate? And yet people to this day wear masks alone in their cars with the windows up and religiously get the latest and greatest mRNA experimental 'vaccine' until they themselves finally join the ranks of the vaccine injured.

How can they not see before the worm turns on them? Before they become the statistics they refused to hear?

Cowardice is a powerful motivator which makes lynch-mobs and silent accomplices equally dangerous to those who aren't. 

Nothing makes the average fascist angrier than being made to see how they have become a fascist. Especially when their world view revolves around them seeing themselves as 'progressive' and the fascist as the enemy.

What a mind fuck. To revel in the process of becoming the thing you detest so much, to take pleasure, pride even, in becoming the boogeyman only to gradually disappoint yourself in the mirror more with each passing day.

I guess marriage prepped em for that.

Hey DNC: here's the most accurate identity politics image I can share with you. Get used to it. Wear it proudly because when you don't, the bell tolls for you. That's how fascism, your new identity, works.

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