Thursday, August 15, 2024

Germany defends Israeli massacre at Gaza school

(Imagine that. The birthplace of the Nazis side with the genocidal Zionists in Israel. Go figure.)

from RT

The IDF airstrike on the Tabeen school in Gaza that reportedly killed 100 Palestinians was legitimate self-defense because Hamas uses civilians as human shields, the German government has said.

Saturday’s attack on the facility, which served as a shelter for displaced persons, has been described as the deadliest since the start of the current conflict.

“Israel has the right to defend itself. The reality is that Hamas uses schools, hospitals and kindergartens as command centers and that the people in the Gaza Strip are also abused against their will as protective shields,” Wolfgang Buechner, deputy spokesman for the German government, told reporters in Berlin on Monday.

Buechner also urged journalists to “be very careful about sitting on one-sided reports that are distributed by Hamas and believing everything that is spread by this side.”...

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