Monday, August 19, 2024

Just in Time for PHEIC Emergency, Suddenly MPox Found in Philippines

by Scott Creighton

(please see UPDATE at end of article)

Check this out.

'The Philippines has reported a new case of the mpox virus, the first in the country since December.'

'The latest case was detected by heightened government surveillance...' (they were LOOKING for it)

“The mpox virus is among us. This is a warning to everybody,” Health Secretary Teddy Herbosa...'

He did not travel [abroad]. That means the virus is already here in the Philippines,”  al Jazeera Aug 19 2024

This is only the second case outside of Africa, the first being an aid worker in Sweden I believe. Interestingly, the Philippines agreed to the Plandemic Treaty a year ago...

' On behalf of the Group for Equity, the Philippines called on all World Health Organization (WHO) member-states to demonstrate political will and commitment to achieve equity through the Pandemic Treaty at the resumed 5th Meeting and Drafting Group of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB)...' PhilStar June 2023
The announcement of this sudden case of MKay virus was made by Health Secretary Teddy Herbosa who serves under one Bongbong Marcos... yeah, child of that other Marcos from the Philippines. 

Here is some background on Teddy:


'The Alliance of Health Workers meanwhile opposed his appointment on part of his support for privatization of government hospitals during his tenure as undersecretary...' 

'he backed... the promotion of public-private partnerships in the health sector of the Philippines'

' finished his post-graduate studies at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine of the Tel Aviv University in Israel'

'He would allege that the community pantries initiative which was launched as a response to the pandemic to be linked to the Communist rebellion.'


'Herbosa was a special adviser to the National Task Force Against COVID-19,..' his Wiki page

So the guy who announced this development is a neoliberal who helped crackdown on the people of the Philippines back in the Covid days. Got it.

Here is something else that is interesting:


Sure seems odd all the cases of MPox seem to pop up somewhere near a Deep VZN research facility that was doing Gain of Function work for USAID. Does USAID have programs in the Philippines and DRC? I bet they do.

Interesting, right?


Dr. Meryl Nass published this piece by David Bell on her Substack. Very much worth the time to read it. Here is a little quote:

'...Thus, we now have thousands of public health functionaries, from the WHO to research institutes to non-government organizations, commercial companies, and private foundations, primarily dedicated to finding targets for Pharma, purloining public funding, and then developing and selling the cure. The entire newly minted pandemic agenda, demonstrated successfully through the Covid-19 response, is based on this approach. Justification for the salaries involved requires detection of outbreaks, an exaggeration of their likely impact, and the institution of a commodity-heavy and usually vaccine-based response. 

The sponsors of this entire process – countries with large Pharma industries, Pharma investors, and Pharma companies themselves – have established power through media and political sponsorship to ensure the approach works. Evidence of the intent of the model and the harms it is wreaking can be effectively hidden from public view by a subservient media and publishing industry. But in DRC, people who have long suffered the exploitation of war and the mineral extractors, who replaced a particularly brutal colonial regime, must now also deal with the wealth extractors of Pharma...

As the Covid-19 playbook showed, this is about money and power on a scale only matched by similar fascist regimes of the past. Current efforts across Western countries to denigrate the concept of free speech, to criminalize dissent, and to institute health passports to control movement are not new and are in no way disconnected from the inevitability of the WHO declaring the Mpox PHEIC. We are not in the world we knew twenty years ago.

Poverty and the external forces that benefit from war, and the diseases these enable, will continue to hammer the people of DRC. If a mass vaccination campaign is instituted, which is highly likely, financial and human resources will be diverted from far greater threats. This is why decision-making must now be centralized far from the communities affected. Local priorities will never match those that expansion of the pandemic industry depends on.

In the West, we must move on from blaming the WHO and address the reality unfolding around us. Censorship is being promoted by journalists, courts are serving political agendas, and the very concept of nationhood, on which democracy depends, is being demonized. A fascist agenda is openly promoted by corporate clubs such as the World Economic Forum and echoed by the international institutions set up after the Second World War specifically to oppose it. If we cannot see this and if we do not refuse to participate, then we will have only ourselves to blame. We are voting for these governments and accepting obvious fraud, and we can choose not to do so.' David Bell


  1. Simply put, an expansion of cause-effect on top of the one notable finality, the infant "crib deaths" aka SIDS of the 1990's popped up then out of nowhere it did.

    BREAKING NEWS: Canadian doctors pursue answers on pandemic-era unexplained deaths among Alberta CHILDREN

  2. It really is C No News!
    Costs Would be even higher but they've farmed out so much content to india.
    Ratings in the $hitter for 20+ years running, only on at all becuz it's an official deep state 'news' disinfo/conditioning outlet.

    COST Warner $200M to operate, ZERO income. CNN is now a liability.
    Odd Man Out News
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