Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Blinken says 'Israel Accepts Deal' while Netanyahu tells Hostage Families 'There is NOT Going to be a Deal'

by Scott Creighton

Prepare yourself for a slew of MSM and fake alt media accounts of how Hamas is standing in the way of a deal in Gaza.

Sec. of State Blinken is telling the world that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has agreed to our 'bridge deal'

'Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted the latest U.S. proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday' Daily Sabah

While Bibi Netanyahu himself told the families of the hostages still being held in Gaza that there will never be a deal so they should just shut up and get over it I guess.


"Israel will not, under any circumstances, leave the Philadelphi and Nezarim corridors despite the enormous pressures to do so," Netanyahu said, adding, "These are strategic assets, both military and political."

He also reportedly said, " "I'm not sure that there will be a deal." Jerusalem Post

The 'bridge' proposal is nothing more than absolute surrender by Palestine. It allows the IDF to keep control of the entire southern border of Gaza as well as the Netzarim corridor Israel cut across the strip linking Israel to the old Netzarim settlement location and the beach where they want to start building their resort hotels. On top of that, they want to staff checkpoints along the corridor so the IDF can control all Palestinian movement from the south to the north and Gaza City itself.

And of course, no recognition of a Palestinian state by Israel... just more South African-styled apartheid bantustans like they have in the West Bank.

Of course Gaza's leadership will not accept any such ridiculous deal just like Israel's would not be expected to accept a deal which involved cutting their nation in half by connecting a free Gaza to the West Bank.

We all know why Netanyahu wont accept a real ceasefire deal. Even the Israelis understand why. Even Joe Biden knows why.

'President Biden told Time magazine "there is every reason for people" to conclude that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prolonging the war in Gaza for personal political survival.' Axios June 4

Then Biden had to drop out. Go figure.

Hamas will not agree to giving a third of Gaza to the Zionists after the IDF killed 15,000+ children during their genocidal campaign of terror. Which means the conflict will continue to rage across the Middle East and that's just fine with the Zionists in Tel Aviv and D.C.

Just keep in mind when the war starts and bleeds into your hometown killing your neighbors and friends because God knows Israel can't fight a war on their own against a nation with a real army so we have to send ours to do it for them. Just remember how it started and why.

Because a ruthless Zionist dictator in Israel didn't want to leave power and the Israel-firsters in America decided to defend his land-grab with your loved ones.

Just remember that.


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    turn out so well for them?
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    299 watching

  2. LOL.
    Here's how easy it is to string along not just one donkey with a carrot (ceasefire, truce), but a whole flock of donkeys!

    Mahmood OD | م

  3. AND,
    Judge Nap Time got a strike/1-week time out recently his channel.
    I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism
    Richard Medhurst

  4. 30 minute slideshow,
    double phd.
    transcript on rhs of video.

    Claim right at start just listen is there is NO spike protein NOR ANY
    mRNA any brand, nor any difference in the cocktail any/all brands (REMEMBER: right at start of plannedemic they showed on msm even that the mRNA is extremely TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE and must be kept at extreme low temp -40C IIRC right up to before any mixing/injection)

    intentional nano-contamination.
    PEG extremely toxic. Graphene. heavy metals many.
    graphene oxide highly magnetic explains people radiating those MAC addresses picked up by cellphones.
    VIDEO - Theory on what is in the COVID-19 Vaccine Vials - Interview with Dr.Poornima Wagh

