Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Venezuela’s Supreme Court To Rule on Documentation Submitted To Decide on Election Result

(Let me get this straight:

  1. there was a massive DDOS attack on the official election site of Venezuela that prevented them from publishing the official results
  2. the opposition claiming Gonzalez won 70+% of the vote decided to skip the Supreme Court hearing refusing to submit their fraudulent 'evidence'
  3. the opposition now claims their 'evidence' of election rigging isn't actually theirs and they have no idea who put it on their bullshit website. The same evidence even the ALT-LEFT here in the States have used to say Maduro must go

Is that about the size of it?)

from TeleSUR

The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela announced this Saturday that it will review documents submitted by political organizations and former candidates to make a decision at the end of the “validation” process of the elections on July 28, whose result confirmed the victory of President Nicolás Maduro.

“The judges of this Electoral Chamber are committed to the expertise of all the electoral material of probative value recorded in physical and/or digital, as well as to the expertise on the massive cyber attack that was the object of the Venezuelan electoral system” said the judges declaration.

The judge recalled that the candidate of the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitarian Platform (PUD), Edmundo González Urrutia, was the only one of the ten candidates who did not appear before the TSJ for this process requested by the re-elected president Nicolas Maduro.

In addition, Caryslia Rodríguez stated that the citizens Manuel Rosales, representative of Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), José Luis Cartaya, of the Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) and José Simón Calzadilla, of the Movimiento por Venezuela (MPV), all members of the United Platform for Democratic Democracy and candidates of former candidate González Urrutia did not register any electoral material, arguing that they do not have any documentation related to this electoral process.

The judge added that they stated that they do not have records of the counting of witnesses at the tables, nor lists of witnesses, Further arguing that they did not participate in the process of transferring and storing any material and were unaware of who uploaded the information of the alleged voting records on the website...

read more here


  1. Wonder if those russian missile frigates that pulled into havana harbor the day b4 the jul28 venezuela election (just a coincidence) and were to stay 3 days only, are hanging around the hood somewhere there in the catibbean?

    BTW, interesting that in msm news some story today 13th that Drumpfy's long rambling mumble of a speech given somewhere got hit by basically spoofing or dds on x!

    and another suspicious one, gone:
    Rachael Lillis, the voice behind Misty, Team Rocket’s Jessie and other Pokémon characters across the cartoon series and films, has died at the age of 46 following a battle with breast cancer.

    Veronica Taylor, Lillis’s Pokémon co-star who voiced the lead character Ash Ketchum, posted a statement on X Monday morning that announced Lillis’ death.

    1. ANOTHER suspicious one, same day's news---u don't even have to look hard to see these everywhere.

      Died by hit by train (intentional suicide).
      Great health, top sports star then coach, was just about to take a new coaching job until sudden steep turn down in...2022!
      And isn't 2022 just after 2021?
      Graham Thorpe’s wife says the ex-England cricketer died by suicide following a long battle with depression and anxiety.

      It was announced last week that Thorpe, widely considered to be one of England’s finest ever batters, had passed away at the age of 55.
      But in May 2022, just as Thorpe was due to become the new head coach of Afghanistan, he fell ‘seriously ill’ and was hospitalised.

      Speaking to The Times, Thorpe’s partner, Amanda, has confirmed that this was a result of the much-loved cricketer making a ‘serious’ suicide attempt.

  2. gist of it here:
    is e-Lon the Wunderboy pretending BADLY in public as a fearless crusader of integrity, fairness,... while in reality working for da boyz (and gargoyls) behind the curtain?

    Without offering a shred of evidence, Lara Trump has blamed the tech glitches during Donald Trump’s interview with Elon Musk on X on the “deep state.”

    The daughter-in-law of the former president made the comments during an appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program on Monday night, and she went on to claim that Trump’s adversaries have been given a “free pass” while President Biden is in the White House.
    Trump’s interview with Musk on Monday began 40 minutes late and suffered from glitches, in a situation that was reminscient of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign announcement on the platform last year.

  3. The site «La Iguana TV», from Venezuela, has been censored in my country, Portugal. From now, I only have the channel Telesur.
