Thursday, August 29, 2024

Two NYT Writers Caught LYING About Mpox Cases to Promote Deregulation of Big Pharma

by Scott Creighton


In an effort to promote the notion of deregulation of products to be shipped off to Africa, the New York Times published yet another scary Mpox Power Point Propaganda Piece this morning on the status of the outbreak on the continent of Africa in which they, once again, used horribly inflated numbers (SEE REAL NUMBERS OF CASES IN AFRICA FROM WHO TABLE AT END OF THIS ARTICLE) to justify asking for millions and millions of dollars to be pumped into the vaccine industry while allowing less and less oversight into the safety of those products.

It's not hard for them to research the subject. All they have to do is go to the WHO website for Mpox.

Here is what Elian Peltier wrote this morning:

'More than 17,000 people in Africa have been infected with mpox, a disease that is closely related to smallpox. Mpox has killed nearly 600 people on the continent, or about 4 percent of those infected. ' NYT

And here are the facts: total number of infections since 2022 in Africa is 6,062 with 55 deaths (1% not 4%) while this year, 2024, there have been a total of 3,659 infections with only 33 deaths (0.901%).


If you look at the ALL TIME numbers for Mpox at the same WHO website you don't find any numbers even close to what the Peltier reports at '600 deaths'

'Since 1 January 2022, cases of mpox have been reported to WHO from 121 Member States across all 6 WHO regions. As of 31 July 2024 , a total of 102 997 laboratory confirmed cases and 186 probable cases, including 223 deaths, have been reported to WHO.' WHO website updated today
Unless you believe 33 is 'nearly 600' this is an example of either journalistic malpractice by the New York Times or in a less generous interpretation, straight lies being perpetrated in order to help create the crisis needed to sell pharmaceutical products to countries all across the continent of Africa.

The terribly inaccurate piece was written by Elian Peltier, a young French 'journalist' who works for the Times based out of Senegal.

Here's something he wrote just 4 days ago... three days before writing his lies about nearly 600 people dying from Mpox in Africa.


Ah yes. Deregulation. Get the WHO to stop demanding such 'byzantine' requirements like proper testing or consumer protections and let's just get those jabs into as many African arms as possible... before the side effects are known.

That's literally his argument and to help make it, seems like Elian is willing to publish lies about the numbers of deaths in Africa to turn up the heat on the manufactured crisis.

No where in Elian's Power Point sales pitch does he provide a reference or source for his numbers. No where.

Maybe he got his fraudulent numbers from the same journalist he was promoting with his Tweet. The same journalist who is calling out the WHO for being to concerned with making sure Big Pharma isn't selling dangerous garbage to Africans.

That NYT 'journalist' is named Stephanie Nolen and here is what she wrote about the situation a few days ago.

' While high-income nations rely on their own drug regulators, such as the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, many low- and middle-income countries depend on the W.H.O. to judge what vaccines and treatments are safe and effective, a process called prequalification.

But the organization is painfully risk-averse, concerned with a need to protect its trustworthiness and ill-prepared to act swiftly in emergencies, said Blair Hanewall, a global health consultant who managed the W.H.O. approvals portfolio as a deputy director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a key funder, for more than a decade.

“They don’t have flexibility to use alternative approaches,” she said.

There have been more than 15,000 cases of mpox in Congo this year, and at least 550 deaths, although many cases are not diagnosed or treated.' NYT Nolen Aug 23 2024

'Painfully risk-averse' says Blair Hanewall, a deputy director at the Gates Foundation. The same Gates Foundation which profits off the same vaccines Nolen and Peltier are pushing and the same Gates Foundation which helps fund the WHO.

Painfully risk-averse? Not to the hundreds and thousands of potential vaccine injured Africans the WHO is trying to protect (less we forget the long, horrible history of Gates-linked organizations taking untested vaccines down to Africa and testing em out on their children (PDF))

Painfully risk-averse to Big Pharma shareholders, more like it.

Make no mistake about it. Like Judith Miller before them, Nolen and Peltier know exactly what they are doing as they peddle their lies on behalf of Big Pharma and their investors, a few of which own and operate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

It is also worth noting that Peltier's 'article' is not so much a piece of investigative journalism as much as it is a dishonest at the core 'wont somebody think of the children!?!' Power Point presentation designed to tug heartstrings while literally promoting the idea of allowing less safe products into Africa which ultimately will hurt, cripple and perhaps kill... those very same children.

Not so long ago, Hillary Clinton referred to a certain percentage of America's population as the 'deplorables' for simply wanting to vote for someone other than her.

On counterpoint I would like to offer up Elian Peltier and Stephane Nolen and the rest of the NYT editorial staff which allowed this twisted propaganda to slip onto the pages of the 'paper of record'

What passes for 'journalism' today is an abhorrent abortion of that once proud profession. But that's OK, right Elian and Stephanie? It pays well doesn't it. 

And in the end, that's all that matters to these ghouls.


(from WHO website detailing ACTUAL Mpox numbers across entire African continent from 2022 to 2024 Aug)

1 comment:

  1. 51 minutes.
    transcript can be turned on rh side of video, so if u speed read/comprehend u can cover all of it in 2 minutes!
    VIDEO - Part 1: Vaxxed v. Unvaxxed Study: James Lyons-Weiler (childhood vaccines and chronic diseases, autism)
