Friday, August 30, 2024

A Simple Message to Hamas and the People of Gaza

by Scott Creighton

I have stood by the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom since I can remember. Even in school all those years ago it never seemed right to tolerate and even praise illegal Israeli occupations and settler-ism in Palestine as we simultaneously condemned it in our own country centuries ago.

I am on the side of humanity. I am on the side of peace. I am on the side of a state of Palestine recognized beside a state of Israel living in harmony in the land of the Abrahamic Religions.

And it is to that end and with fading hope that I offer up my solemn wish to you in aspiration that you can feel the wisdom in this one simple message.

Give them back.


Show the world you value human life even if your occupiers, the Zionist monsters, do not.

Show the world that you will do what Israel's own Prime Minister will not, place the value of human lives, even Israeli lives, over politics, greed and self interests.

In September the Israelis have already agreed to allow health care workers into Gaza as they promise to respect a ceasefire for 3 days to allow for Polio vaccination to be given to the remaining 600,000 children in Gaza.

Use that opportunity to transport the 103 hostages to those locations and hand them over to the aid workers to take with them out of Gaza and back to their welcoming, loving families.

No strings. No demands. Just give them back.

Enough is enough.

They profit your cause nothing as it is clear Netanyahu and his rabid Zionist backers do not care about them or their families and will not ever cede their covetous fevered dream of stealing all the land from the Palestinian people.

Why add 103 more victims to their ruthless body-count?

Do for Israel what their own leaders wont and prove to the world that the occupied respect life far more than the occupiers ever will or could.

Perhaps it will help heal some small measure of wounds in some small percentage of Israel's population. 

Perhaps it will say to the world outside who seem to have given up hope of stemming this genocidal tide that even if we do not fully understand the level of your humanity, you do, as you remind us... once again as wisdom is born of suffering and endurance rather than brutality and conquest.

It matters not what comes of this gesture. 

What matters is how you see yourselves. 

You have treated them well, far better than Palestinians held by rapist Israelis in dark torturous prisons.

You are and have proved you are better in every way.

Give them back. 

Let them go home even if you cannot. 

And find peace in that which seems to be devoid of any hope of it.

And then fight on for yourselves, your children, your ancestors and all of us out here who proudly stand with you in spirit.

Long live Palestine. Long live Gaza.

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