Monday, August 12, 2024

The unacceptable is happening and the authorities blow it off, to numb us. De-numb!

from Meryl Nass

Please no more numbness. These are crimes against humanity. While in the UK, the government has made war on the population for tweets and posts, refused to police crimes, surveilled the citizens incessantly, closed city centers to cars and generally made life miserable.

It is the Supranational state against everyone else. Puppet Volodymyr Zelensky, managed by the moronic US State Department, warring against both the Ukrainians and the Russians, attacking his own country’s nuke plant because it is managed by Russians. But the radiation will spread over Ukraine first.

Puppet Starmer finally getting his dream job and now able to roll out the real plan and squeeze his pensioners and poor till they become destitute.

Justin Trudeau’s Canada offering the poor the opportunity of a medically assisted death.

And the arch criminal Netanyahu and his pals doing their best to outdo the Nazis at ethnic cleansing, while using the world’s best propaganda on their own citizens so they believe it is they who are under constant attack, not Gaza!..

read more here


  1. Dat's cuz dere's a full-blown eCONomic collapse coming, all planned, and gonna make the 1930's look tame, at least in the top economies in the west west (remember: that late 2030 date is their AGENDA 2030, ON TIME AND TARGET 1620 years on from 1st Rome fall/collapse in ad 410.64 ; the start of this GFC mega-collapse was 2007, EXACTLY 1597 FIBO years on, where it hit the UK first, note that would be correct becuz they were 1st in the industrial revolution (newcomen steam engine 1712; james watt 1775 steam condenser doubled energy efficiency to about 30%).
    NOTE this means 2028 which is 1618 years on from ad 410.64 will also be some gigantic event(s), likely world not just 1st world, far bigger than anything seen past 100 years, or maybe even since 1712.
    BTW, it was in the news that UK has now 1st time ever dropped out of the world's TOP 10 industrialized countries! (assume that's mfrd goods per capita).

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  2. NOW they tell them!
    Not sure if it's only the stripped down cheaper version the brits have been sending to their uke buddies on purpose;
    they all claim to have super-duper laminated armor alloyed metals like titanium, moly, etc. can't have one scavenged by those russkies to examine first-hand.

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