Thursday, August 22, 2024

Please Do NOT Support AE49/11 Truth Anymore... They Simply Don't Deserve It

 by Scott Creighton

However, our detractors could be counted on to do their best to use a negative result against us for P.R. purposes. They would say that we have a non-scientific belief, since a negative outcome from an experiment fails to shake it.    Thus, the potential costs of doing what you’re proposing and coming up empty-handed, or worse, must be considered.”  Gregg Roberts of AE9/11 truth

AE49/11 Truth is hosting some kind of 9/11 anniversary thing with the likes of Jimmy Dore, Jill Stein, Whitney Webb, Meryl Nass and Alex Stein of all people.

They wont have Richard Gage as a presenter because in 2021 they kicked him out of the organization he founded in 2007 due to Covid-19-related statements he made during an interview with Spike Lee for an HBO documentary he was making at the time.

SLATE magazine did a hit piece on Lee for having the audacity to even include 9/11 Truth advocates in such a main stream production. According to the author of the hit-piece, such debates are not allowed on settled subjects like 9/11 and the glorious mRNA 'vaccines'

'presents about a dozen conspiracy theorists and members of Gage’s group, including Gage himself, in a back-and-forth with three credible scientists who investigated the 9/11 attacks in a teach the controversy–style format that presents the truth behind 9/11 as an open debate between two equally valid sides' Slate

Spike Lee, thinking of the millions and millions he will make in the future with HBO, cut the segment out which featured such offensive thought-crimes.

Spike Lee also still claims Tawana Brawley was telling the truth. Yes, Spike Lee is a coward, an idiot AND a race-baiting liar.

The SLATE piece attacked anyone and everyone who ever DARED raise questions about steel and concrete buildings collapsing at free-fall acceleration into their own footprints due to office fires for the FIRST and LAST time in recorded history. Of course the writer didn't offer any evidence to back up their claims other than to claim everything has been debunked so shut up and don't ask questions.

Used to be the 9/11 Truth movement didn't turn tail and run from such right-think propaganda efforts. We used to take the time to expose them, line for line, for what they were: NWO propaganda.

But no. Not the new incarnation of AE49/11 Truth. They fired Richard Gage and tried to make the Truth movement think he retired of his own accord. 

AE49/11 Truth... LIED.


And that wasn't the first time. They've lied to me (see quote above article) (I still have the emails to prove it Greg and Steven) they've pushed deliberate disinfo ('nanothermite', right Steven?) and they have silenced well meaning ACTUAL 9/11 Truth researchers as much as they possibly could.


Jimmy Dore used to use '9/11 Truther' as a smear back when he worked for Cenk Uygur. 

Jill Stein took money from John Podesta and Hillary Clinton's campaign to try to help Killary steal the 2016 election with a fraudulent recount effort (only recounted in districts Killary LOST in the Blue Wall states)

Meryl Nass steadily promotes the globalist smear campaign against China by trying to blame them for what WE DID while simultaneously promoting Zionist womanizer RFK Jr.'s fake ass campaign.

Alex Stein is just a gotcha ambush interviewer and failed comedian, like Dore.

And Whitney... damn Whitney. WTF?

Kevin Ryan, David Chandler, Kevin Barrett, James Fetzer, Cynthia McKinney, Richard Gage, Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, Massimo Mazzuco, Luke Meyer and this guy who has written well over 1,000 pages of research on the topic of 9/11 alone combined with dozens of videos over the course of his 19 years in the Truth movement.

Any of this people involved in this anniversary edition of AE49/11 Truth presentation? 


You got Jimmy Dore and Jill Stein instead... because they will bring attention to the 501(3)(c) that AE has devolved into.

Hell, disinfo assets like Steven Jones, Judy Wood, Dwain Deets, Gregg Roberts (see quote above article) and Morgan Reynolds would be better than that milquetoast lineup they're offering.

(read Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets from 2009)

At least those Sunstein Agents would say something interesting. But I guess they all retired by now on their cushy gubmint pensions.

In 2018 someone at Kapitalgate: Parapolitics and Class Analysis took the time to do a summary of this researcher's years of work (I am deeply appreciative of this effort of theirs)

'Mr. Creighton’s hypothesis, authored over many articles, argues that the Towers were destroyed “via conventional demolition, and that during the design stages of the process, the conspirators relied too heavily on the use of detonation cord in the floor systems, which led to the vaporization of most of the truss systems. This was accidentally revealed (the “iron microspheres”) when the RJ Lee Group did their Composition and Morphology study of the Ground Zero dust samples for Deutsche Bank.” Kapitalgate


Does work like this (or this) (or this) (or this) (or this) (or this) warrant even an invite to address such a gathering on behalf of the Truth movement? 


Instead you get Jimmy Dore because once he interviewed someone who mentioned some study out of some school somewhere which claims that NIST's bullshit explanation of Building 7 couldn't have happened while also claiming there is as of yet no definitive evidence of a controlled demolition. 


(notice two buildings standing beside Building 7 were untouched AND how the sides of the building were PULLED INWARD on TOP of the debris?)

Of course that's bullshit. There already is. Plenty of it. Just ask David Chandler who forced Shyam Sunder to revise his NIST report on Building 7 admitting it did indeed fall at free-fall acceleration.

Or just ask me... and these guys (PDF).

(read 9/11 Shock Opera… Act 4 – Building 7 and Flight 93: The Grand Finale that Wasn’t from 2009)

BTW, that's the true story of the plan for Building 7 on 9/11 which no one to my knowledge has ever mentioned... aside from me.

I mean it's not like this particular researcher has a long history with AE49/11 Truth or anything.

Oh wait...


 (psst... if you check before they find this article and fix the issue, you wont find any of their main speakers signed onto the petition. Go ahead. Check)

In 2007, when Richard had just started his  website, I signed on as a licensed building professional as I was already running my own drafting and design business working with architects and engineers doing technical drawings, architectural sets for commercial and residential properties and having been a builder and installer of all sorts of things my entire life (even hung steel briefly in Lynchburg for a short time)

I don't think there were a thousand signatures on it at that time and look at what Gage built it into since. It was his labor of love.

Then they kicked him out unceremoniously because some hack from Slate slung unsupported slurs his way and the ones depending on the paychecks from the 'not for profit' tucked their tails and ran.

Now they avoid promoting real 9/11 Truth advocates opting instead for speakers with large followings... celebrity activists you could call them. Part of the Resistance Industrial Complex (TM) I call em.

AE49/11 Truth doesn't deserve a nickle of your money. Go over to Richard Gage's website and find his support page and give it to him. Or Whitney's. She has a family.

WTF Whitney?

Richard Gage was a working architect back when he created that petition and website. The personal and professional risk he took not one single person presenting on their anniversary 'show' can even come close to understanding. Because they never have. And you can say the same for the ones running AE49/11 Truth today.

The 9/11 Truth movement, though clearly co-opted, is not dead. It's still alive and relevant to this day. 

Many of it's founders may be lost to time, illness, depression or subterfuge but it, WE, live on and will always live on. The interwebs are forever. So is the Truth.

My heart goes out to Richard Gage. He fought a good fight. Made some mistakes along the way. Learned as he went. No one is perfect. But he followed his moral compass and the leeches who fed off his labor eventually forced him out. So...

Please do NOT support AE49/11 Truth anymore. They simply don't deserve it.


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