Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Cori Bush, ‘Squad’ Member and Vocal Critic of Israel, Loses Her Primary (because of United Democracy Project)

(Multiple times in this article they mention the institution that spent all that money to get rid of Bowman and Bush but they NEVER MENTION IT'S NAME: United Democracy Project.)

from the NYT

Representative Cori Bush of Missouri, one of the most outspoken progressives in the House, lost her primary on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press, falling to a campaign by powerful pro-Israel political groups intent on ousting a fierce critic of the nation’s war in Gaza.

Her opponent, Wesley Bell, a county prosecutor, ran as a progressive and a pragmatist. But he was boosted by more than $8 million in spending from a super PAC affiliated with the country’s largest pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, and other similar entities...

The contentious contest came just weeks after Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York, another outspoken progressive and vocal Israel critic, suffered a stinging primary defeat. The same pro-Israel groups that poured $15 million into defeating Mr. Bowman were aiding Mr. Bell, and all eyes were on Ms. Bush to see if she would be the next member of the ultraliberal “squad” to see defeat...

In an interview with The New York Times, she declined to call Hamas a terrorist organization.

“Would they qualify to me as a terrorist organization? Yes. But do I know that? Absolutely not,” Ms. Bush said. “I have no communication with them. All I know is that we were considered terrorists, we were considered Black identity extremists and all we were doing was trying to get peace. I’m not trying to compare us, but that taught me to be careful about labeling if I don’t know.” Later, a spokeswoman walked back the comment, saying: “The congresswoman knows Hamas is a terrorist organization.

read more here

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