Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Morning Joe Flip-flops on Question of Biden as did AOC

by Scott Creighton

Lots of folks are suddenly jumping sides when it comes to calling for DementiaJoe staying in the race. 

Yesterday, Morning Joe was treated to an extremely rare live call-in interview with the president, probably because they have a large following and viewer base and Joe and Mika have been pretty honest about his declining abilities and how they threaten Democrats' chances of winning in November.

The softball porn slobberfest was pretty ridiculous.

 Biden says the majority of Dems want him to stay in the race. Its about 51% and they only think that because they have been told repeatedly that he is the only candidate that can beat Trump.

Bernie Sanders would wipe the floor with Trump but you all know, in the land of the Big PX, we can't have a left leaning president... even if he's just a fake one.


The majority of Americans understand Joe Biden is suffering from cognitive decline. All you have to do is pull up his interviews from 2020 and it's as clear as day.

But the establishment is galvanizing their propaganda around DementiaJoe like never before in spite of what we all saw during the debate and that idiotic interview he did with George S.

Hell, he's mumbling in this interview from yesterday. And you can tell his voice is being autotuned or something. It sounds weird.

The powers that be like having a vacant president in the White House. They like making all the decisions and using him as cover. They want stability. They want things to stay the same. So they are sticking with him. Either that or they want Trump back in office.

Either way, I said he wasn't going anywhere unless he reaches into the back of his pants during the next debate (which will obviously never happen) and pulls out a handful of shit and flings it at the moderator laughing like a 6-year-old.

And even then it's a 50/50 shot they replace him.

It doesn't matter what you want. It doesn't matter how bad it looks for the country. It doesn't matter that they are exposing the fact that the job is now nothing more than a formality filled by a figure-head.

They just don't care anymore. They think they can spin anything at anytime and we will just accept it and move on.

It's a shit-show and we just got to take it.

Watch all the folks from the MSM left to the alt-left jump back on the Biden Wagon for that sweet sweet money and clout.

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