Thursday, July 4, 2024

There is a Reason No One Mentions Sheepdog Sanders as Replacement for Biden - That Dog Just Wont Hunt

by Scott Creighton

There are tons of polls right now asking the eternal question: who is better at beating Donald Trump than our pile of quivering jello, President Joe 'Lithium Please' Biden.

And the answers range from 'hell fucking no!' to 'who the hell is that?'


But guess who they don't run against the Orange One in these polls? 

Yep. you guessed it, the guy who steadily beat Trump in the polls back in 2020 and 2016... Bernie 'Sheepdog' Sanders.


'Senator Bernie Sanders leads President Donald Trump by the widest margin of all the candidates in the Democratic Party's 2020 race when Americans are asked to choose in a face-off against the Republican incumbent, according to a poll.

SurveyUSA asked 4,069 registered voters nationwide how they would vote in an election today if Trump was pitted against each of the 2020 candidates in the Democratic race. The progressive Vermont independent came out on top.

The poll found that 52 percent of voters would choose Sanders and 43 percent Trump, giving the veteran senator a nine-point lead. Next was former vice president Joe Biden at 50 percent to Trump's 43 percent, a seven-point lead.' Newsweek

'(2016 race) Clinton has so far won 1,716 delegates and Sanders has gained 1,433. Factoring in super-delegates, Clinton has 2,240 and Sanders has 1,473. But super-delegates can still switch allegiance until the July 25 Democratic convention is held.

However, RealClearPolitics showed on Tuesday that Sanders had a 13 percent advantage over Trump, while Clinton had five more points than Trump.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday signalled a tight coin-toss race between Clinton and Trump, without reporting on Sanders.

In March, a Reuters poll said that Sanders would beat Trump by at least 14 percent, while reporting on the potential of a very close race between Trump and Clinton.' al Jazeera

In 2022 Bernie had the highest favorability ratings of all the candidates for 2024. He beat Trump and Biden by 9 points. Each.

'President Biden had the second-highest favorability rating at 43 percent, although his unfavorability rating was notably higher than Sanders’s, with 52 percent of those surveyed saying they had an unfavorable opinion of the president. Former President Trump clocked in with the same ratings as Biden.' The Hill

But you don' even get to think about a Leftie running for office on the Left. What kind of sense would that make?

You gotta have a moderate to far right of Reagan Republican running as a Democrat these days. DLC forever, baby!

Plus, there is this: Bernie Sheepdog for Hire Sanders is doing his sheepdog thing again... this time for Joe "Can I sniff Your Children?" Biden.

I shit you not.

'Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders rejected calls for Joe Biden to end his presidential campaign on Friday, telling Semafor that Thursday’s debate had gone poorly but there was time to retool.

“He’s not a great debater, he’s not necessarily a great speaker,” Sanders said. “People are just gonna have to say: Okay, you know what? Yeah, he’s old. Yeah, he’s not as articulate as he should be. But you’re voting for somebody whose policies will impact your life.”...

“Biden is the candidate,” he said. “I suspect he will be the candidate. I’ll do my best to get him elected.”  Semafor

Yep. Bernie Sanders is proving once again that I knew what I was saying back in late 2015 and early 2016... Bernie Sanders does not want to be president of the United States.


Instead of taking this opportunity, served up on a golden Depends diaper tray, an opportunity to take charge and make all the changes he pretends to want for his supporters and the people of this country... instead what does Bernie do?

'Bernie Sanders describes President Joe Biden’s recent debate performance as “painful.” In an interview, he says he’s not confident that Biden can win this fall.

But the progressive senator from Vermont does not want Biden to step aside.

Instead, Sanders, who served as Biden’s chief rival in the Democratic Party’s 2020 nomination fight, is calling on voters to adopt “a maturity” as they view their options this fall.

“A presidential election is not a Grammy Award contest for the best singer or entertainer. It’s about who has the best policies that impact our lives,” Sanders said. “I’m going to do everything I can to see that Biden gets reelected.” AP

He campaigns for Genocide Joe and says if you don't want to vote for a drooling, pants-pooper for president, you should just 'grow the fuck up'


Yeah. That's what he is saying.

That must have been one hell of a nice log cabin by the lake the Clinton campaign bought for him after sheep-dogging for Killary back in 2016.

You can say this much about Bernie... when you buy him, you buy him for life. He goes all in for the establishment right of Reagan Dems, don't he?

"I don't want to hear about any damn EMAILS!' croaked the two-faced Vermont Howler Toad when campaigning against Hillary Clinton back in late 2015. Remember that? That was a classic. 30k official State Department communications she deleted while Hillary was running her organized crime ring from on high. Each on of em technically a felony. Bernie knew the fix was in and understood the roll he had to play if he wanted a nice retirement cabin by the lake.

He had to sheepdog his millions of supporters into the Killary Kamp and then gladly get the fuck out of the way while she lost to the Orange Clown.

 And what happened to his backers, all those young people he suckered along the way? Did they get a nice cabin in the woods? Free healthcare? Free education for their kids? 


But Bernie did.

I've said it before I will say it again for those of you who are new to my work.

Fuck Bernie Sanders. He's a fraud and always has been.

He would wipe the floor with Trump and usher in at least a moderately better foreign and domestic policy agenda for America. Hell, he would probably get Trump voters on his side once they bought into his populous policies.

But Bernie wont run. That dog wont hunt.  He's soft. The fire that burned within him a long time ago was extinguished with Champaign and 30-year-old scotch.

Bernie should take his 30 pieces of silver and go sit on his lakeside porch. 

At least there he can't do anymore damage to the hopes and aspirations of the young and naive among us.

He's an old magician who's tired tricks are outdated and obvious as fuck. Good luck on the bar mitzvah circuit Bernie cus you're done here.

Yep. That dog just wont hunt no more. And that's a fact.

1 comment:

  1. Nothin' sez "Meet the new boss..." more than the pic here at the top!

    BTW, not 1 motormouth mentioned this aspect of the UK landslide, worst fall of any ruling party in brit history.

    Keir Starmer's Labour party has swept to a landslide victory in the UK's general election, though it appears to have hemmorhaged votes to pro-Palestinian candidates, several of whom picked up shock wins.
    Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader who won his seat as an independent, told Middle East Eye: "Palestine was on the ballot - and I promise to stay true to my word to stand up for the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination."
