Tuesday, May 28, 2024

10,000 demonstrate in Paris near Israeli embassy to condemn Rafah massacre

from PressTV

At least 10,000 people participate in demonstrations near the Israeli embassy in Paris, condemning Israel's recent devastating bombardment of the city of Rafah in Gaza, which killed dozens of civilians.

The demonstrations, organized by the Association France-Palestine Solidarity, were held on Monday, a day after Israel's horrendous assault on Rafah ignited a blaze in a makeshift settlement resulting in the massacre of 45 people. The attack prompted widespread global censure against Israel.

The protesters assembled a couple of hundred meters away from the embassy in the heart of the French capital on Monday, where demonstrators voiced their support for Palestine by chanting slogans, and waving Palestinian flags.

"It is a massacre too many," said François Rippe of the Association France-Palestine Solidarity group.

"We are all Gaza children", "Free Gaza", the pro-Palestinian protesters chanted...

read more here

1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe just 60 days to the summer olympics there.
    I suggest to get better tv ratings they replace the torch carrier who runs thru the hood there to light the flame before the games start be replaced by the running man...better tv ratings and better odds of making it to destination.
