Saturday, May 25, 2024

Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza after top UN court orders halt to invasion

from PressTV

Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, despite an order from the UN's top court for it to "immediately halt" its military invasion of the southern city.

Israeli warplanes targeted parts of Rafah and the central city of Deir al-Balah early Saturday, just a day after the Hague-based International Court of Justice ordered Israel to swiftly stop its military aggression against war-hit Rafah.

“We hope that the court’s decision will put pressure on Israel to end this war of extermination because there is nothing left here,” said a Palestinian woman from Gaza City displaced to Deir al-Balah by the war.

The strikes on Saturday, however, proved that Israel gave no indication it was preparing to change course in Rafah. 

"Israel is an entity that considers itself above the law. Therefore, I do not believe that the shooting or the war will stop other than by force," Mohammed Saleh, another Gaza City resident, told AFP. ..

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