Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The New AIPAC Talking Point Straight from Our Leader Bibi's Mouth: ICC is Coming for YOU Next!!!

 by Scott Creighton

Sometimes, if you let your adversaries keep talking, they'll tell you all about themselves without wanting to. A confession, if you will.

Apparently the apologist collaborators in D.C. have been handed their new talking point when it comes to justifying going after the ICC for daring to accuse certain citizens of Glorious Israel of committing genocide and war crimes in Gaza and that talking point is: we're next!!!

Yep. The 'hand out palm up' crowd are all parroting this talking point in unison suggesting if they don't nip this accountability thing in the bud, then international law might just start applying to us as well. And what a horrible thing that would be.

Here's one war criminal's statement:

Targeting Israel is the first step before the ICC comes after Americans. The Biden Administration should immediately sanction the corrupt and anti-Israel ICC.

And here is another's:

To kick off this new hasbara campaign, Bibi Netanyahu went on Jake Tapper's show on CNN yesterday and set the talking point in stone for our collaborators like Moses coming down from the mount with engraved tablets:

"Israel is given here a bum rap. I think it's dangerous. Basically, it's the first democracy being taken to the dock when it is doing exactly what democracies should be doing in an exemplary way," he told Tapper. "It endangers all other democracies. Israel is first, but you're next. Britain is next. Others are next, too." Netanyahu
That's right. According to Netanyahu, 'democracies' should kill over 15,000 innocent children and steal the land from another people when THEIR OWN military opens fire on THEIR OWN citizens out of panic, cowardice or Zionist opportunistic depravity. 

Cus... that's what democracies do now, I guess.

So like a bunch of servile little brainless peons looking to garner favor ($$$) from Glorious Israel and the billionaires who Zionist, our politicos and media class are chiming in with the new message like their condo payments depend on it... cus they do.

One might ask how I know this new talking point came from AIPAC and the hasbara thought leaders they consult with.

Well that's easy: because it's not the first time they did it.

Back in Feb of 2023 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as well as the International Criminal Court (ICC) both had cases pending against Israel for committing war crimes, specifically, blowing up Palestinian refugees on several occasions, in an effort to 'thin the herd' as it were.

'35 Palestinian Organisations Urge the ICC to Issue a Preventive Statement in Light of High Rise of Israel’s Killings and Punitive Measures against Palestinians' ICC Feb 23 2023

'186 - Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem' ICJ Feb 3 2023

Interestingly enough, the prosecutor in the ICC case back then is the same one trying to bring charges against Israel and Hamas today.

The Israel-firster Zionist collaborators over at AIPAC issued a policy statement regarding the actions taken by the ICC in which you might notice a talking point that sounds familiar:

'On Feb. 5, the court fell to a new low by ignoring its judicial limits, attempting to predetermine the outcome of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, and urging its prosecutor to open a political case in the guise of a legal prosecution against Israel—a non-member state that has never agreed to place itself under the ICC’s jurisdiction.  The court endorsed a Palestinian request to prosecute alleged Israeli war crimes, deciding that the ICC has jurisdiction to try Israel for actions it takes in the territories that came under Israel control in 1967. To reach this decision, the court ruled that for its purposes Palestine is a state that encompasses the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

This ruling sets a dangerous precedent for America. If the ICC can pursue politicized, unfounded charges against Israel, it can also pursue similarly baseless claims against America. The ICC is already pursuing a case against America for actions in Afghanistan.   This poses a serious threat: Past and current American and Israeli officials and citizens could face secret arrest warrants or summons to appear while in ICC member countries.' AIPAC

Yep. AIPAC dusted off a year-old line of propaganda looking to get the U.S. to use their influence to defend them from accountability once more by suggesting their politicians justify it by saying something like 'we have to defend Zionist war criminals in order to defend our own'

Laughable and pathetic, thus is the world we allowed them to build for us.

Talk about chickens coming home to roost (or something like that)

Would it be such a bad thing seeing American war criminals held accountable for their actions?

Would it prevent the next illegal Iraq invasion and occupation or the next Libyan regime change campaign or the next Hiroshima or Nagasaki for that matter? Would that be a bad thing?

I guess as far as the Zionists in Israel and the U.S., yes it would.

But not for the rest of us. Not for real Americans who are sick of these endless wars of aggression. And not for the military men and women who have to fight, kill and die in them so rich Zionists can profit.

It is probably one of the most vapid and yet enlightening lines of propaganda I have heard come from the mouths of the Zionists and their collaborators. A glimpse into how they view the rule of law as nothing more than a hindrance to their globalist goals. It is almost... a confession.


  1. Maybe now the ICC will start tying in/implicating directly going after the aiders & abettors?

    British MPs grill ministers over arms exports to Israel as 800,000 flee Rafah
    Business and trade committee question why High Court has received more information about arms exports to Israel than MPs

  2. Politico about as real as Faux Nooz, so pick a number.

    Israel has killed just 30-35 percent of Hamas fighters, US reportedly believes
    Politico reports US intelligence officials also warning that 65 percent of Hamas' tunnel infrastructure remains intact

  3. NFW were they going to, or are they going to let Assange be extradited right here or anytime b4 the (s)election---they've assured Mr.T. he won't have this albatross to haunt him in in the run-up to November, one of his rewards for being a good ol' boy "guiding" (actually handling) Johnson to pushing thru that major package just 2 weeks ago for their buddies/owners.
