Monday, May 20, 2024

Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval officers

Medical officer reveals Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval officers.

  •  Myocarditis rises 151% 
  • Pulmonary heart disease up 62% 
  • Ischemic heart disease up 69% 
  • Heart Failure increased a whopping 973%


  1. PART I ( not sure where/when PART 2 will be up)
    MAY 20
    45 minutes

    Explains what nicotine is all about
    Discusses entire spectrum of venoms, all kinds from snakes to cone snails, bees, wasps, now ubiquitous in all manner of cosmetic and pharmacy and now HERB/PESTICIDES.
    Venoms are in those expensive anti-wrinkle creams for example!
    If gets into the brain, preferentially causes the blastoma cancers there, and can do it within 48-72 hours.

    The venoms have a very high affinity for a specific named receptor on the body and/or brain cell surface, and the only natural compound, very abundant thus cheap which can also cross the BBB is NICOTINE (found in up to 5% of certain plants by dry weight), which "forcefully undocks" the venom peptide, not destroying or denaturing it but it then goes off via the lymph, glymph (brain lymphatic) and then blood vessels and searches for a vacant receptor site anywhere else, any tissue cell that has one open.
    BUT if you flood the system with nicotine quickly such that the majority of receptor sites are now occupied/binded with that, then those zillions of released venom peptides have nowhere to go but out via the 4 elimination routes (5 in females).

    The covid clotshots contain a strung together sampling of several snake venom peptide sequences of amino acids, plus the conotoxin from the cone snail. (This of course in addition to the mrna technology.)
    Roundup and Roundup + which is mostly both glyphosate, plus a proprietary blend of either 7 or 11 venoms not required to be on the label in the ingredients list, tested for and found.

    Only 18 of the 56 venoms in nature cause clotting---the rest cause thinning, like what warfarin does.
    Mentions the current ozempic disaster, explains how it paralyzes the esophagus/stomach muscles.
