Tuesday, May 21, 2024

ICC Arrest Warrants and the Corrupt Zionist Apologists Who Condemn Them

1. Targeting civilians

Netanyahu compares ICC arrest warrant request to anti-Israel protests: ‘What the new antisemitism looks like’ Israeli PM says antisemitism has 'moved from the campuses in the West to the court in The Hague' Fox News 

"As the prime minister of Israel, I reject with disgust the Hague prosecutor's comparison between democratic Israel and the mass murderers of Hamas, This is a complete distortion of reality. This is exactly what the new antisemitism looks like. It has moved from the campuses in the West to the court in The Hague." Netanyahu

You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.” Netanyahu

reference:  "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”


2. Using starvation as a weapon

Gallant blasts ICC’s Khan for ‘despicable’ Israel-Hamas parallel in warrant bid Times of Israel

“The IDF is fighting in accordance with international law, while taking unprecedented measures to facilitate humanitarian aid.  The attempt made by the ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan to overturn things will not succeed — the parallel he has drawn between the Hamas terrorist organization and the State of Israel is despicable. Prosecutor Karim Khan’s attempt to deny the State of Israel the right to defend herself and ensure the release of the hostages held in Gaza must be rejected explicitly.  The State of Israel is not a party to the Court and does not recognize its authority,” Yoav Gallant

We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed.” Yoav Gallant

Targeting of civilians and using starvation as a weapon. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Not only is it obvious they are doing it, they bragged about it to their rabid fan bases.

Other reactions

1. Biden denounces ICC for ‘outrageous’ implication of equivalence between Israel and Hamas CNN

“Let me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas. It’s clear Israel wants to do all it can to ensure civilian protection,” Biden said. “Let me be clear: What’s happening is not genocide.”Joe Biden

2. The ICC Disgraces Itself Over Israel Giving Hamas a brief victory will be the court’s epitaph. Wall Street Journal 

death threats?

3. The ICC is flirting with disaster with threatened warrants against Israel  The Hill

'According to reports, Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, is widely expected to issue several arrest warrants in the coming days. 

These warrants will not be against Ayatollah Khamenei, leader of the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror, Iran, or Syrian President Bashar Assad, who has presided over the massacre of more than 500,000 civilians in Syria over the last 12 years.

No, instead Khan is planning to indict Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, for the crime of defending the Jewish state against Hamas, who committed the worst mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. 

While Khan’s decision will no doubt be applauded by the pro-Hamas mobs at Harvard Yard and the Columbia Quad, this will be an unconscionable and unprecedented misuse of the law, upending the very framework upon which the international legal order is based." The Hill

Keep this in mind:

Finance and business moguls held Zoom with Eric Adams urging him to bring in police on Columbia protesters The Independent

'A high-profile group of financiers, billionaires and executives joined a private WhatsApp group to sway public opinion on the Israel-Hamas war, culminating in some members participating in a Zoom call with New York mayor Eric Adams urging him to use police to deal with protests at Columbia.

A section of the powerful pro-Israel group held a video call with Mr Adams on 26 April, in which it was discussed how to get New York City Police Department officers onto the Ivy League campus in Manhattan where one of the most high-profile pro-Gaza encampments was located, according to The Washington Post.

Members of the group included Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund executive Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik, and real estate investor Joseph Sitt, according to a log of chat messages referencing the meeting obtained by the newspaper.'

That's right. Big Business moguls are backing the efforts to rebrand Israel's genocide in Gaza. No wonder so many in the MSM as well as the fake alt-media are defending Israel's right to be Nazis. Would you care for an example?

Ben Shapiro:

'I'm tempted to say "who gives a shit" about the ICC, mainly because no one with half a brain should give a shit about the ICC. But some apparently do, because oh wow the magical morality of ::checks notes:: European bureaucrats. So let me explain: this is an institution that doesn't include the US, Russia, India, China, Indonesia, Turkey, among others. It has attempted to investigate American soldiers for doing their jobs in Afghanistan. It's trash.' Ben Shapiro

Keep that hand out and palm up, Ben. We expect nothing less from you.

How bout Roger Stone?


So based. So alternative to the establishment he is. Right there alongside Biden and Hillary Clinton.

Also keep in mind:

Israel admits to “immense” amount of “friendly fire” on 7 October (Dec 2023) American Everyman

Israel’s army on Tuesday admitted that an “immense and complex quantity” of what it calls “friendly fire” incidents took place on 7 October.

The key declaration was buried in the penultimate paragraph of an article by Yoav Zitun, the military correspondent of Israeli outlet Ynet.

It is the first known official army admission that a significant number of the hundreds of Israelis who died on 7 October were killed by Israel itself, and not by Hamas or other Palestinian resistance factions.

An Israeli police source last month appeared to admit that some of the Israelis at the Supernova rave taking place near Gaza that day were hit by Israeli helicopters. A second police source later partially walked back the admission.

Citing new data released by the Israeli military, Zitun wrote that: “Casualties fell as a result of friendly fire on October 7, but the IDF [Israeli military] believes that … it would not be morally sound to investigate” them...

What does this mean? This means that many supposedly pro-Palestinian actors out there who claim to support the people of Gaza are also steadily repeating the same, Zionist mantra the zealots are chanting and that is that Hamas is just as guilty and therefore must go.

This is simply not true.

An occupied people have a right to resist that occupation. And we know for a FACT that the IDF gave a 'weapons free' order on Oct 7th to tank commanders, drone operators, ground assault teams as well as to the helicopter pilots who opened fire indiscriminately on all ground targets, including Israeli civilians.

One can argue that the decision was made to defend against the perceived invasion they thought was taking place.

However one can also argue they wanted to get the body count as high as possible to help justify what they planned to do in retaliation.

But what you can't do is assign blame to Hamas and the Palestinians for what the IDF did, which is exactly what the ICC prosecutors are doing.

Also notice how they applied for charges against one more Palestinian than they filed against Israelis, again, a petty little PR move, but a significant one when you think about it.

Let's take a moment to remember who the ICC actually serves:

Globalist Puppet Luis Moreno-Ocampo Issues ICC Arrest Warrant for Gadhafi based on “Activists Say” Evidence American Everyman

'In March of this year, a globalist puppet was tasked with finding some reason to force Moammar Gadhafi out of power in Libya so their pro-western, monarchist “rebels” could take power. Luis Moreno-Ocampo took his charge seriously and declare before any investigation that he was “100% certain” that he would find “crimes against humanity” charges for the Libyan leader. Ocampo found his “evidence” by listening to whatever so-called “activists” made up with no supporting physical evidence of any kind.' Scott Creighton

If I had to guess I would say the ICC rejects the arrest warrants for the Israelis and upholds the ones against the Palestinians. We will see how that plays out.

But it is fun watching the Israelis and their apologist collaborators (yes, I chose that word carefully) twist themselves into screeching Karens of moral outrage as they try to pretend as passionately as they can that we are too stupid or cowardly to see that 2+2 still equals 4.

What we are witnessing in Gaza is exactly what some of us said we would see on Oct 8th 2023. It is obvious. We were right. We are right. It is obvious to all except those who are too corrupt to admit it or too cowardly to stand for what they believe in.

1 comment:

  1. New update today this very topic---all going according to plan!

