Wednesday, May 22, 2024

ICC has no evidence for 7 October rapes, documents indicate

 (This is the same thing they did to Gadhafi, filed charges against him based on what our regime change assets told them, not on facts.)

from Electronic Intifada

There are many vexing aspects to Monday’s announcement by International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan that he is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, defense minister Yoav Gallant and three leaders of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

That he should charge the leaders of a legitimate resistance against military occupation and equate them with the leaders of a criminal regime that is perpetrating genocide is questionable enough – one theme explored in an excellent commentary on the indictments by Justin Podur on his YouTube channel The Anti-Empire Project.

It is particularly bizarre that Khan would charge Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas politburo chief and a civilian political leader who almost certainly had no role whatsoever in planning the 7 October resistance operation.

That can only be aimed at delegitimizing Hamas in line with Western political imperatives. It may well hamper Haniyeh’s constructive role as an interlocutor and mediator in efforts to negotiate a ceasefire, something Hamas has been trying to do in the face of consistent US-backed Israeli rejectionism.

But that Khan has charged Haniyeh, along with Hamas’ Gaza leader Yayha Sinwar and its military commander Muhammad Deif with sexual violence and rape is absurd.

Although it is only an accusation, the fact that the ICC prosecutor seeks formal charges adds weight and credibility to the claims, and will thus feed the notion that there is some factual basis to Israel’s entirely debunked atrocity propaganda about Hamas using rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war...

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