Monday, May 20, 2024

The Fake Color Revolution is Back in Iran – Globalist Destabilization Efforts Under Cover of Egypt’s Real Revolution (archive)

(archived from February 15, 2011)

by Scott Creighton

In every crisis, real or manufactured, there is… opportunity.

Contrary to Julian Assange’s assessment, the current wave of pro-democracy movements in the Middle East (recently called a “virus” by John McCain) was not created by the CIA honeypot called Wikileaks. Nor, as the one-time Lyndon LaRouche follower Webster Tarpley has put it, was it all a CIA destabilization plan. There are causes that track back to the United States, English banks, and Wall Street which mainly deal with accelerating food prices due to rampant speculation, a global wave of unemployment due to a planned demolition of the global economy, and the despotic dictatorial rule by U.S. and British friendly puppet regimes, so yes, you can trace the roots of these outbreaks back to the global interests the CIA serves.

But these uprisings are mainly in countries that already serve our “national interests” ie our banks and multi-national corporations and many of them are critically important to ongoing venture capital programs like Egypt (Suez Canal) and Yemen (Hunt Oil Pipeline) for starters.

So why lite those fires when the outcome is uncertain at best?

C.I.A. destabilization plans are used in countries that are not already friendly to our interests (see above) such as Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and of course… Iran.  The differences between the real revolutions and the fake ones are very important. We cannot forget.


the struggle against power “is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” Milan Kundera

The contagion of the sub-prime housing bubble and derivatives scam was deliberately spread through-out Western Europe by banks closely connected with the White House and the Royal family of England (Goldman Sachs, Bank of England). The purpose was to create the pretext for decimating the social safety net created in Europe after WWII. Privatization and open markets were too tempting to resist and so the plan was to neoliberalize all of Western Europe at the same time they planned to achieve that goal here in the U.S. The global crisis was also felt in other nations naturally like those which are already subject to our “free market” IMF system of controls, but they weren’t necessarily the intended targets. Poverty and massive levels of corruption was already rampant in these Middle Eastern client states but they were also already firmly under the thumb of the globalist interests.

Now you add the devastating effects of the out of control food price speculators on Wall Street, who are busy setting up the next bubble to burst, and what you have is basically a “perfect storm” if you will of revolution: out of work people, starving, being robbed and oppressed without mercy. When you leave a people desperately hopeless, they will endeavour to make their own.

(Let’s not forget that the first of these uprising didn’t happen in Tunisia but rather in Western Europe; Greece, Ireland, Iceland, and Spain have all seen major demonstrations and violence on the streets. These were ligitimate reactions to this global crisis and no one dared call these CIA ops.)

Prior to all of this, Sec. of State Clinton did a sweeping tour of many of our client states in the Middle East, just a couple of months before Tunisia’s uprising.

During this tour she was reportedly trying to warn our puppets that this “perfect storm” was brewing and she was trying to give them advise on how to avoid it. In Jordan for instance, they started a program of handing money over to the poor and those who were out of work and also promising them educational benefits when things “turned around”. That didn’t work. The King of Jordan had to eventually fire the entire government as well and protests are still happening there now as we speak.

Don’t confuse foresight with intent.  Just because these globalists could see this problem building up does not mean they created it on purpose. To do so undermines the legitimacy not only of the efforts and the courage of the people who are literally risking their lives to achieve a better standard of living for themselves and their families as well as a hopeful future, but it also undermines what we already know about the CIA and various globalist organizations and the countries that they run.

This is why Assange and Tarpley both serve the same interests when they present faulty conclusions such as they have.

To prove my point, let’s take a look at what is happening in Iran.

Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen… what is happening in Iran is being given top-notch, prime-time MSM coverage all across the political spectrum, from Little Green Footballs to Huffington Post, from Fox News to CNN.   And at best we are talking about “protests” involving at most “a couple thousand” people.  Why is it that such a small number of protesters are being given so much attention by the corporate media here in the states?

Also look at how Hillary Clinton is talking about these protests and compare that to what she said about Tunisia and especially Egypt.

When the pro-democracy demonstrations were at their height in Egypt, Clinton was still on the side of the dictator Mubarak, claiming that we couldn’t dictate who lead that country and that we had to help a slow process of change. She stood with Mubarak right up until he was finally forced to leave by the millions and millions of people protesting all across Egypt.

In contrast, Clinton is already calling for regime change in Iran while about a thousand pro-business thugs are running around Iran attacking anything they can.

The other day there was a public gathering of people to show support for the people of Egypt. It was supported by the government in Iran and in fact encouraged. While Clinton and Obama stood with Mubarak, Iran’s government took the bold step of standing with the people of Egypt, something that Hillary herself has to admit almost daily.

Just like after 9/11 when a million people showed up in Tehran to show their support for us, so too did they last week in order to show support for the Egyptian people. But the globalists and their corporate backed NGOs saw this as an opportunity to relaunch their destabilization efforts under the cover of real pro-democracy movements in the rest of the Middle East. So they did.

They sent in their little pro-business middle management wanna-bees, people who fully expect to profit from the moment the IMF and our privatization plans are enacted in Iran, and they staged little confrontations and protests, thus hijacking what was a peaceful, pro-government, pro-democracy in Egypt demonstration.

This is how they think.

So the media immediately, as if on cue, went with the story line (amazingly shared by all the media as if it were written by someone else) that the massive demonstrations were “protests” against the current regime in Iran. That is a lie. Period.  Just like back when the Green Revolution first took place after the election, the MSM tried to lie and say that the election had been stolen when in fact, it had not.  Multiple outside organizations observed the elections in Iran that year and each one of them determined they had been fair.

The people of Iran like their current system. They like the fact that their president stands up to the U.S. and Israel. They like the fact that the IMF and World Bank don’t own their country. This is what makes it difficult to destabilise Iran. Next to impossible really.

That is why the people running this sideshow know that they will not be able to move enough people in Iran to their side to affect the same change that we are seeing in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Yemen.  They don’t expect that to happen at all.

So why are they doing it?

They believe that they can use the public sympathies with the real revolutions to justify forced regime change in Iran just so long as they can create the illusion that these things are one and the same.

They clearly are not.

How do I know this? I just watched a video of the Young Turk interviewing a well-known neo-con Frank Gaffney. The Turk has clearly been fooled by all of this and he is a prime example of what I am talking about, having erroneously mapped the courage of the poor people in Egypt right on top of the cowardly business-first weasels running around in Iran attacking police and anyone else who disagrees with their plans to bring back the Shah (an example of that is a video of these “protesters” attacking another Iranian who took exception to their banner calling for the murder of their president).

The Young Turk was trying to suggest that we should let the uprising in Iran work itself out, and he actually proudly showed U.S. government Tweets calling for regime change as the “right way” to do it. Believe it or not, he called out Obama for cutting funding to some of these “pro-democracy” think-tank/NGOs which work exclusively with the CIA to destabilise otherwise decent democracies, all for the good of our “national interests” (see above).

The Young Turk certainly misses the boat on this one but at least he went on to press Gaffney on whether or not we should use military might to aid these fake protesters. Gaffney stated that “if” the protests aren’t successful, then we should assist them militarily because as we all know, Iran is planning to take the nuclear weapon they don’t have and put it on a “tramp steamer” and float it over here so they can take out Miami, or some other such non-sense.

As ridiculous as Gaffney’s argument sounds, it wouldn’t even get off the ground were it not for the Young Turk’s misunderstanding of what was happening in Iran. And that is the real danger here. That is the danger of not knowing the difference between a real movement, a real uprising, borne of desperation and the yearning for self-determination… and a fake color revolution, bought and paid for by U.S. business interests.

As Bill Moyers just recently said “It is a sad world that exists only in the present, unaware of the long procession that brought us here.”  We in the dissent community, those of us who refuse to accept the status quo of information strictly because someone says so, we must work to remember the history that brought us here in spite of concerted efforts and the pleasant fiction of forgetting.

That is the harm of what people like Assange and Tarpley are doing. By clouding the issues, by misrepresenting the histories of these revolutions, they are deliberately muddying the waters so that people can’t discern one thing from the other. This is part of the deceptions of war and probably the most important part. They will never succeed in turning enough people in Iran against their government. They know that. That is exactly what Gaffney was saying on the Young Turk. So the objective is not destabilization in Iran but rather destabilization here in the states among those very same people who stand opposed to the illegal invasion of Iran.

Revolution in Egypt and Iran; one is real, the other is not.  The differences are important to understand.

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