Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Israel's Rafah killings do not cross red line, no change in policy: US



from Daily Sabah

Israel's recent massacre in southern Gaza's Rafah would not trigger any policy change from the U.S., the White House said Tuesday.

Gazan health authorities said at least 45 displaced people were killed as a blaze tore through a camp for displaced people following the Sunday strike by Israel.

But Washington does not believe that Israel's actions in Rafah amount to a full-scale operation that would breach Biden's "red lines," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said.

"As a result of this strike on Sunday I have no policy changes to speak to," Kirby told a White House briefing. "It just happened, the Israelis are going to investigate it."

Kirby added however that "this is not something that we've turned a blind eye to" when asked "how many charred corpses" it would take for Biden to change course on the issue...

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