Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Did Netanyahu Produce the Treason Reservist Video to Kick Off Civil War in Israel?

by Scott Creighton

(video at end of article)

Benjamin Netanyahu's party-boy son Yair, living the high life (in so many ways) in Miami, shared a video reportedly from a reservist in the IDF claiming that he speaks for 100,000 other reservists who will openly refuse any order to leave Gaza since, as he puts it in the video, 'this is a once in a lifetime opportunity' and then later says they will 'call for Israeli citizens to come to Gaza and they will protect them'

In Israel hasbara is described as propaganda while outside it is called 'education'

This is being investigated by the IDF and Israeli law enforcement as treason and it is not clear yet whether or not Bibi's coke-head offspring will be included in the round-up. Needless too say, AIPAC servants in the Biden administration will probably not force him back to Israel to stand trial for what is clearly an attempt to foster a civil war in Israel.

The video features said reservist, hiding his identity, in what appears to be a random run down location made to look like its been filmed in Gaza. But it is clearly fake.

The masked reservist claims they will not follow the orders given by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and will only answer to Bibi himself even if he is ousted from office.

He takes exception to the statement made by Gallant late last week demanding Bibi make public his exit strategy from this conflict by a certain date and if he fails to do so Gallant says he will withdraw from the war cabinet and the coalition government which will drive Bibi from power.

As you can see this video certainly serves the interests of the Zionists as well as Bibi himself and as it just so happens it was released by his son.

In all likelihood, Bibi had this fake video produced (C.I.T.E.?) and gave it to his son to release for him.


Netanyahu lied yesterday when he went before the Knesset and told them what happened on Sunday in Rafah was a 'mistake'

While making that claim, IDF tanks were rolling into Rafah to bomb and crush to death even more Palestinians.

Netanyahu does not give a damn about the hostages or Palestinian children or Israel's global reputation or even the millions now protesting inside Israel for his ouster and a cease fire in Gaza.

Netanyahu only cares about this 'once in a lifetime opportunity' to hand over to the Godless Zionists the prize of all prizes, the land belonging to Palestine.

He also only cares about remaining in office and free from prosecution on corruption charges as long as possible.

How do you think he can afford to keep his coked-out son living the good life in Miami?

As stated many times before, Zionists do not care about Israel's reputation. They do not care about harm being caused to Jewish people across the globe. They do not care about what happens inside Israel's borders and apparently are now quite happy threatening full scale civil war in order to secure the bag that is that coveted land in Gaza.

They will tear it all down, in Palestine as Tel Aviv if they have to, in order to take advantage of this 'once in a lifetime opportunity' no matter who gets hurt no matter what harm it does to Israel or Jews living abroad.

Zionism is the most anti-Semitic ideology remaining in our collective lexicon and once again they are exposing themselves in public for everyone too see their true intentions.

This little stunt is not going over very well in Israel. Just more fuel to the 'Bibi OUT!' fire.

1 comment:

  1. Out of chaos, comes order
    ordo ab chao Phrase Meaning: out of chaos, comes order
