Thursday, May 30, 2024

God Wiped Biden's Nakba Pier Off the Damn Map Before Israel Could Rebuild Netzarim Settlements

 by Scott Creighton

So who exactly are 'God's chosen people' now? Hmmm? Is God to be declared an anti-Semite?

After only being in operation for a week and a half, God sent a 'North African storm' over to Gaza to erase it from the coastline. He/she knew that according to reports, none of the aid brought into Gaza via the pier had made it to the Palestinians anyway, probably ending up being given by the IDF to rabid racist zealot settlers in the West Bank instead.

Yep, the Nakba Pier, actually designed to facilitate the forced removal of Palestinians from Gaza (since our puppet in Egypt said it would be a bad look for him to let them force em all into desert concentration camps in the Sinai) was washed away after a mysterious squall appeared out of nowhere.

Reports are that the boats they were using to ferry aid and other things from transport ships to the Nakba Pier became dislodged from their moorings and drifted off without anyone on board some ending up beached in Gaza and others drifted all the way to Israel.

 These images released by Maxar Technologies shows the newly completed pier on the Gaza Strip on May 18, 2024, top, and ther emaining section of the temporary pier on May 29, 2024. A string of security, logistical and weather problems have battered the plan to deliver desperately needed humanitarian aid to Gaza through a U.S. military-built pier. Broken apart by strong winds and heavy seas just over a week after it became operational, critics complain that the project hasn’t lived up to its initial billing or its $320 million price tag.(Satellite images ©2024 Maxar Technologies via AP)

The Nakba Pier is built at the end of the Nakba Highway which was started at the beginning of the current conflict. It's located near Netzarim beach where the highway ends which implies someone has some big plans for a new resort location to eventually be connected to the highway to Glorious Israel.

'The Netzarim Corridor or Route 749 is an east–west passage through the Gaza Strip built by the Israeli Defense Force to permit them access for military purposes.' AP

'IDF soldiers posted in the Gaza Strip on Monday documented the American pier near Netzarim beach sinking in the water. The soldier who shot the video is overheard saying: “This is what happens when you help the enemy.” The Jewish Press
Perhaps most telling: 'The corridor is named for the site of the former Israeli settlement that it includes.' Yep they named it after an illegal settlement that was there in the past implying they are planning to steal the land and rebuild the settlement.


'Netzarim beach' (not what Palestinians call that beach by the way) therefore tells you all you need to know about their plans. Also note the historical significance of that name:

'Netzarim was an Israeli settlement in the Gush Katif bloc of settlements in Gaza. Established in 1972, it was the last settlement in Gaza to be evacuated (22 August 2005) and in this sense its eviction marked the end of the Israeli presence in the Gaza Strip since 1967.'

The pier was always going to be used to facilitate a forced mass exodus of Palestinians from their homeland which is why the it was built at the end of that road the IDF made cutting across the whole of Gaza. 

After that the Israelis could then use the highway to facilitate faster transport of materials to build the new gambling resorts at 'Netzarim beach' and once completed they could use the highway for tourists to bring their U.S. dollars straight into Glorious Israel for day-trips where they could visit holocaust museums and learn how the Israelis are the perpetual victims.

Yet, the forced depopulation of a people is a still major war crime and generally frowned on by the general public (at the ones that aren't raving racists) So to is forced starvation and the destruction of civic infrastructure. 

It's all being done in order to make life unlivable in Gaza so they can present to the people the option of staying and dying of starvation (or fire bombing) or head up north to the Nakba Pier and hop a ride to some nation that is looking for cheap migrant labor forces.

Bibi Netanyahu is on record saying he told Biden to do this a long time before Sneaky Uncle Joe mentioned it in his State of the Union address this year.

The broken War Crime Pier has been removed (at US taxpayer expense) and dragged up north to a port in Glorious Israel where we will try to fix it and return it to it's demonic service on behalf of the covetous Zionists in Israel.

However, folks seem to miss the obvious symbolism here.

Seems like someone doesn't want his/her people forced out of Palestine just yet which leads this writer to ponder just how many times will they rebuild and re-moor their Hate Bridge to Genocide on the Nakba Highway before some genius in military intel figures out they might be fighting a losing battle.

Which leads to the obvious question: where is your God now, Bibi?

However you look at it, happenstance or divine intervention (since no one else is doing anything), one cannot escape the obvious fact that since the beginning of this conflict certain folks in Israel had every intention (and still do) to drive the Palestinian people off their land and take it for themselves and apparently Joe Biden and the US military down here at CENTCOM are all just fine with that plan.

Ergo Biden and the U.S. are complicit in war crimes and should therefore forfeit any future rights to a UNSC veto regarding Israel and Gaza.

1 comment:

  1. 1ST doc anywhere i've seen sound this!
    Note this ties in with the very recent started 1 year ago domino collapse of hmo bankruptcies all sizes.

    Medical Profession is about to COLLAPSE (well deserved)
    Dr. Suneel Dhand
