Wednesday, May 22, 2024

AP condemns Israel's obstruction of live Gaza feed

 (When you are trying to argue you aren't committing genocide, it's kinda hard when the press shows up and live-streams you committing genocide)

from Daily Sabah

The Associated Press decried Israel's shutdown of its live feed showing Gaza for exploiting the country's newly passed foreign broadcaster law.

"The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment," Lauren Easton, vice president of corporate communications at AP, said in a statement.

"The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country's new foreign broadcaster law," Easton added.

Officials from the Israeli Communications Ministry arrived at the AP office in Sderot in southern Israel and seized a camera and broadcasting equipment. They handed the agency a piece of paper signed by Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi accusing the news agency of violating Israel's foreign broadcaster law.

Israeli authorities accused the global news agency of providing images to the Qatar-funded Al Jazeera television, one of thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from the AP and other news organizations...

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